Pupil Leadership Teams

Pupil Leadership teams provide children with opportunities to take ownership of their learning, have greater roles within school decision-making processes and enable them to participate as active young citizens.  Children were either selected for the roles democratically by their peers, applied for the role or were interviewed by staff.

At Four Dwellings Primary Academy, Pupil Leadership Teams include:

Pupil Academy Council 

Pupil Academy Council meet with the Academy Council (adult version) to give feedback on school initiatives and developments.  They also regularly meet to discuss issues raised by their peers and how they can support school to progress.  They can be called upon to greet visitors, provide tours of the school and take part in staff recruitment.

Reading Ambassadors

Reading Ambassadors support the Reading lead and librarian on decisions about Reading. They champion reading in school by helping to select books, tidy reading nooks and reading areas along with supporting the library. They can be called upon to read to others and promote reading at any time. 

Rights Respecting Champions

Rights Respecting Champions meet regularly to ensure that children's rights are protected and promoted in school.  They champion initiatives suggested by their peers such as recycling, and can be called upon to make decisions on pupil voice.  Every week, they identify fellow pupils who have protected others' rights and these children are mentioned in the school newsletter.

Sports Leaders

Sports leaders epitomise sportsmanship at all times, not only during PE but also at break times, lunchtimes and during any games.  They can make suggestions for after school clubs, lunchtime games and can request equipment for their peers.  Sports Coaches will call upon these leaders during PE as role models for sport.

Updated March 2023