PE & Sport

Pupils at Four Dwellings receive specialist training in PE from Central Education.  A broad and balanced curriculum is delivered to pupils, which promotes healthy choices and develops motor skills and awareness within sports.  The curriculum covers all aspects of PR: net and wall, striking and fielding, dance, gymnastics, athletics, invasion, swimming and leadership.  PE is taught weekly from Nursery to Year 6 with swimming offered to pupils in Years 3, 4 and 5.

Mr Gill - Sports Coach
Mr Rowe - Sports Coach

Mr Rowe and Mr Hussain are from Central Education, and they deliver our PE lessons and extra curricular activities.   Central Education are a team of professional, qualified and enthusiastic sports teachers who provide high-quality, progressive and inclusive programmes of sport, dance and gymnastics.

Role of Central Education in delivering PE

PE Kit

There should be no large logos on the PE clothing.  PE kits should be worn to school on the day your child has PE.

PE Timetable

Monday: Y5 (pm)

Tuesday: Y4 (am) Y3 (pm)

Wednesday: Nursery (am) Reception (pm)

Thursday: Y1 (am) Y6 (pm)

Friday: Y2 (am)

Subject Documentation

PE Curriculum Handbook 2021
PE overview FDPA 2022/23

Curriculum Overview

Updated September 2023