
Our Music curriculum at FDPA is designed to encourage the ambition that every young person should be able to experience music and to make progress. It is founded on the belief that music enriches individual lives as well as a school’s wider community.

Our curriculum supports all pupils in their musical progression through the Key Stages. By offering a rich and varied musical framework that nurtures fundamental musical techniques alongside building musical knowledge, it offers a clear pathway towards mature musical understanding. Staff notation not only complements developing aural skills, improvisation, memorisation and composition, but also provides the opportunity for pupils to be taught music independently both in class and after they have left school. 

At FDPA we have set out a sequence of learning which runs throughout the key areas which, when taken

together, all contribute towards the steadily increasing development of musicianship:

• Singing

• Listening

• Composing

• Performing/Instrumental Performance

Within each key stage, there are specific song choices to cover the development of musicianship which enables children to sing, listen, compose and perform a variety of genres of music. This is a progressive programme that builds upon each year groups learning to provide a well-rounded musical experience. 

Our curriculum explores how musical techniques and skills can be nurtured and developed in all pupils, through all Key Stages. It recognises that such skills may be expressed instrumentally, vocally or through music technology. Our starting point is the ambition that every young person should be able to experience music and to make progress. This includes singing, as well as having the opportunity to learn an instrument through whole-class ensemble and small-group teaching at Key Stage 2.

Each year group enjoys in-depth specialist teaching at our secondary Academy, focusing on Composing and Musicianship. As part of this pupils in KS2, learn to play the recorder and keyboard.

In addition, pupils listen to range of music genres in school throughout the year and sing a wide repertoire of songs in class and assemblies. 

Each month we follow a key theme e.g. November, Popular Music

Subject Documentation

Music Curriculum Handbook 23/24
Music Overview

Updated November 2023