Early Years

Miss Maisey - Early Years Lead

Our Early Years 

Here at Four Dwellings Primary Academy we aim to ensure that your child is taught in a purposeful, happy, safe and inviting atmosphere, where learning can take place and children can feel secure, motivated and inspired to succeed. We want all our children to feel valued and respected. In Early Years we aim to develop our children's sense of independence and our trained and skilled staff help to support your child to ensure they feel respected, included and engaged in a range of tasks that are designed to foster strong relationships with the adults in our academy and the other children in their class.

Our Learning Environment

At our academy, one of the key features in supporting your child's learning and development is the provision of a rich and stimulating learning environment, both indoors and outdoors.

We know that being outdoors has a positive impact on children's sense of well being and helps all aspects of children's development. As well as a modern and expansive outdoor area our academy has access to a woodland area where children regularly visit. Provision in our outdoor learning environment is carefully planned to give children the opportunities to succeed, explore and learn in a safe, secure and challenging outdoor space.

Our Curriculum Offer

Our curriculum is planned to be progressive throughout the Early Years and provides children with rich learning experiences that teaches them the skills to succeed in life. There are reading opportunities from the moment children start with us in Nursery where children bring home a library book and a picture book to share at home, this then progresses to our Read, Write, Inc Phonics scheme. Our Early Years engage in a wide range of learning experiences throughout the year such as hatching chicks, growing caterpillars and visiting the local church, as well as trips in and around Birmingham. Meeting the individual needs of all the children lies at the heart of the practice of our Early Years Foundation Stage. We offer extensive support to enable children to be successful learners and in order to close any language gaps, our staff are trained to deliver Welcomm assessments and interventions.

At Four Dwellings Primary Academy, we pride ourselves on our comprehensive and supportive induction programme and our close parent partnership which enables our professional and experienced Early Years Practitioners to plan and provide for your child's individual strengths and needs.

Nursery at Four Dwellings

Our Nursery is able to offer half day places from 8:40am-11:45am. Parents wishing to secure a place for their child are advised to obtain an admission form from the academy office.

Reception Applications

Reception places should be applied for via Birmingham City Council Admissions.  Application via Birmingham's Admission department must be made even if your child attends our Nursery provision

Early Years Documentation

EYFS Curriculum Handbook 2021

Updated September 2023