Performing Arts

At Four Dwellings Primary Academy we provide children with a range of opportunities to develop their performance skills. We offer children the opportunity to learn musical instruments through our ‘Rock Steady’ program, where children can learn to play the guitar, the keyboard and even the drums. 

We have a school choir who take part in a variety of performances including Young Voices and Youth Proms.   We have strong links within the community and are looking forward to taking part in ‘Quinsound 2023’ with our local church. 

Children have the regular opportunities to take part in school performances including an Early Years Christmas Nativity and an end of year Year 6 production, and they regularly perform and sing in assemblies.

We are also visited by Birmingham Royal Ballet as part of their Dance Track Scheme, a programme that endeavours to identify and train young participants showing a potential for ballet and to instill a passion for dance at an early age. 

From September 2023, we will be having whole class woodwind and brass lessons with Services for Education Music Service and we are looking forward to performing for our parents and carers throughout the year.

Updated April 2023