Unit 1 - International Standard Atmosphere, Review of Aerodynamics and Propulsion

Lesson 01 : International Standard Atmosphere

Topic: International Standard Atmosphere

Sub Topics:

  1. Introduction and Layers of ISA

  2. Variation of Temperature, Pressure and Density

  3. Effect of Humidity on Air Density

  4. Dynamic Viscosity Calculation

Objective : What I want you to learn?

  1. The need for ISA (International Standard Atmosphere), and Calculate the Properties for atmosphere at a given altitude under ISA Conditions considering the effect of Humidity.

Rationale : Why this is useful to you?

  1. The properties of the Atmosphere at the given altitude are required for calculating the Flight Performance of the Aircraft.

Learning Outcomes : What I want you to do after completing this topic?

  1. Explain the need for the International Standard Atmosphere and the different layers of the Atmosphere.

  2. Calculate the Properties for atmosphere at a given altitude under ISA Conditions.

  3. Analyze the effect of Humidity on the Atmospheric Properties and Calculate the Dynamic Viscosity using the Mathematical Model.

Introduction to ISA and Layers of the Atmosphere

Variation of Temperature, Pressure and Density

Lecture No: 02 - Variation of Pressure, Temperature and Density

Effect of Humidity on Air Density

Lecture No: 03 - Effect of Humidity of Air Density

Dynamic Viscosity Calculation

MATLAB Function for ISA


[T, a, P, rho] = atmosisa(height) implements the mathematical representation of the International Standard Atmosphere values for ambient temperature, pressure, density, and speed of sound for the input geopotential altitude.

This function assumes that temperature and pressure values are held constant for both:

  • Below the geopotential altitude of 0 km

  • Above the geopotential altitude of the tropopause (at 20 km)

Other Atmosphere Function in MATLAB (Aerospace Toolbox):


Lecture No: 04 (Tutorial 01)