Numerical Integration   

(Simpson's Rule) 

                  Click Here to Download the Exercise 7                               

Objective : - To write a C++ Program for Numerical Integration using Simpson’s Rule 

Theory : - 

Simpson’s rule is a numerical method that approximates the value of a definite integral by using quadratic polynomials.

 Let’s first derive a formula for the area under a parabola of equation y = ax2 + bx + c passing through the three points: (−h, y0), (0, y1), (h, y2).

Since the points (−h, y0), (0, y1), (h, y2) are on the parabola, they satisfy y = ax2 + bx + c. 


Algorithm : - 

Simpson’s 1/3 Rule

Step-1: Start of the program.

Step-2: Input Lower limit a

Step-3: Input Upper limit b

Step-4: Input number of subintervals n

Step-5: h=(b–a)/n

Step-6: sum=0

Step-7: sum=fun(a)+4*fun(a+h)+fun(b)

Step-8: for i=3; i<n; i + = 2

Step-9: sum + = 2*fun(a+(i – 1)*h) + 4*fun(a+i*h)

Step-10: End of loop i

Step-11: result=sum*h/3

Step-12: Print Output result

Step-13: End of Program

Step-14: Start of Section fun

Step-15: temp = 1/(1+(x*x))

Step-16: Return temp

Step-17: End of Section fun


Simpson’s 3/8 Rule

Step-1: Start of the program.

Step-2: Input Lower limit a

Step-3: Input Upper limit b

Step-4: Input number of sub intervals n

Step-5: h = (b – a)/n

Step-6: sum = 0

Step-7: sum = fun(a) + fun (b)

Step-8: for i = 1; i < n; i++

Step-9: if i%3=0:

Step-10: sum + = 2*fun(a + i*h)

Step-11: else:

Step-12: sum + = 3*fun(a+(i)*h)

Step-13: End of loop i

Step-14: result = sum*3*h/8

Step-15: Print Output result

Step-16: End of Program

Step-17: Start of Section fun

Step-18: temp = 1/(1+(x*x))

Step-19: Return temp

Step-20: End of section fun


Simpson’s 1/3 Rule






float fun(float f)


   float m=1/exp(-f*f);

   return m;

 }//****** Defining the Function ******


void main( )


 clrscr( );

 float a,b,h,n,sum=0,res;


 cout<<"Enter the Values of Lower & Upper Limit"<<endl;


 cout<<"Enter the Number of Intervals"<<endl;




 for(int i=3;i<n;i=i+2)





  cout<<"The Value of Integaration Is "<<res;

  getch( );



Simpson’s 3/8 Rule






float fun(float f)


   float m=1/exp(-f*f);

   return m;

 }//****** Defining the Function ******


void main( )


 clrscr( );

 float a,b,h,n,sum=0,res;


 cout<<"Enter the Values of Lower & Upper Limit"<<endl;


 cout<<"Enter the Number of Intervals"<<endl;




 for(int i=1;i<n;i++)












  cout<<"The Value of Integaration Is "<<res;

  getch( );

