

Understanding neurodiversity in the context of equality and inclusive practice: A professional guide for teachers 

Produced by GTC Scotland

EPIC resources - University of Edinburgh 

Content: The strategies in these booklets apply to all children but are particularly relevant to children with ADHD, ASD, DCD/dyspraxia and those born prematurely. 

These booklets can be used by parents and teachers to identify a child’s strengths and difficulties and help with understanding of them (‘Understanding’ booklets). The Strategy booklet can be used to practice strategies to optimise thinking skills, learning and well-being.                               

Audience: Schools, Education, Other professionals, Parents, Carers and Young People

Learning About Neurodiversity at School (LEANS) - University of Edinburgh

Content: A free curriculum for primary schools to introduce pupils aged 8-11 years to the concept of neurodiversity, and how it impacts our experiences at school.                                                

Audience: Schools, Education, Other professionals

The Donaldson Trust

Content: Website for the Donaldsons Trust with resources and videos and links to further information.                                        

Audience: Schools, Education, Other professionals, Parents, Carers and Young People

Walk In My Shoes - Donaldson Trust

Content: The animation shares Erin’s story about living as an autistic young person and the huge impact this can have on every aspect of life. It brings to life the often-unseen realities faced by many neurodiverse people across the UK and provides examples of how to support neurodiverse people from a young age.                  

Audience: Schools, Education, Other professionals, Parents, Carers and Young People
