Addressing Non-Attendance (ANA)

Addressing Non-Attendance (ANA)

Non-attendance is one of the biggest problems facing schools; there has been a considerable drop in school attendance rates across Scotland over the last few years. In the case of non-attendance, gaps in the understanding about types of school refusal and associated interventions; core skills amongst front line professionals; and gaps in provision / joined-up working and a consistent message being delivered to children and families mean that a child and their family can miss out on crucial early input that would prevent the formation of genuine anxiety based school avoidance. In Argyll and Bute we work within a staged intervention approach and there is, rightly, a great deal of importance given to the earliest intervention possible. 

Argyll and Bute EPS joined Pippa Milne (Chief Executive) on Pippa's Podcast to provide an overview of Addressing Non Attendance - you can listen to this episode at: Educational Psychology Service Addressing Non Attendance | Argyll and Bute Council ( 

Implementation Focus

The ANA initiative has a strong focus on implementation, including bespoke planning to ensure the individual needs of educational establishments and their communities are met; and capitalise on existing strengths, good practice and resources. The implementation aspect includes schools identifying an ANA lead who will attend all training sessions, work with the link Educational Psychologist (EP) and drive forward the implementation and evaluation of ANA in their setting. Consultation between the ANA lead and link EP, and ongoing self-evaluation by the establishment will be facilitated by the following supportive documentation:

Training and Resource Package

The ANA initiative aims to build the knowledge and skills essential for those who support school non-attenders across all stages of the process and with all types of school refusal; and to enhance partnership working between schools, agencies and the third sector.

The Educational Psychology Service has developed a training and resource package for schools and partners that includes:

Current progress

As part of the bespoke approach, schools will identify who has a role in supporting non-attenders and their families and these professional partners should be involved with ANA including attending all training sessions. These can include Guidance Teachers, Family Liaison Officers, Primary Mental Health Workers and School Nurses, School Counsellors, Social Workers, Social Work Assistants Young Carers, Youth Workers, etc. 

In Session 2022/23 we launched our pilot initiative in three schools: Oban High School, Tiree High School and Dunoon Grammar School. Following robust evaluation and refinement of the ANA training and resource package we are ready to roll out the ANA initiative across secondary schools within the authority. In Session 2023/24 training is being provided to Rothesay Academy and Lochgilphead High. A key priority this session is the development of a training webinar for primary schools which will equip primary school staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure early intervention for non-attenders.

Further Resources

The resources on the EPS website raise awareness of the benefits of going to school, and provide support for parents, carers and young people.

Visit: Argyll and Bute Educational Psychology Service - Attendance ( 
