Virtual Field Trips

Explore the World from your Classroom

Give your students the opportunity to explore outside of their classroom and community, by taking them on virtual field trips to local, global, and other-worldly destinations.

As they explore, consider using some of the suggested activities to provide enrichment, writing, and discussion opportunities. See the Activity Ideas for any Virtual Field Trip page

Click on the embedded slide decks below to scroll through and see the virtual field trips offered within each category. To explore further, click the linked resource title to open the preview. To get your own copy to use with students, click Use Template in the upper right of the preview window.

All links should be reviewed by the teacher before sharing with students.

Local Attractions

Places in the Baltimore, Annapolis, and Washington DC region that are popular field trip destinations for AACPS.

Zoos, Aquariums and Animal Reserves

Students observe animal behavior and habitats through live webcams, stories, or videos.

Performing Arts

Students experience immersive videos of performances and tour performing arts centers.

National Parks

Students discover the beauty of national parks in the United States and around the world through 360 videos, images, and street view experiences.


Students explore immersive images and videos of the planets, the stars and the farthest reaches of the Universe. Includes virtual trips of space programs, space stations and space museums in addition to live stargazing opportunities.

Museums & Art Galleries

Students travel through time to see and virtually experience ages past.

Memorials, Monuments & Historical Sites

Students investigate sites with historical national and global significance, as well as monuments and memorials dedicated to notable events and people.

Landmarks & Wonders of the World

Students virtually walk through some of the most recognizable landmarks and wonders of the ancient and modern world.

Literary Trips

Students journey to places with a close association to literature and authors.

Art Galleries

Students examine well known, famous art works housed in galleries throughout the world.


Explore the history of various sports through virtual tours of iconic venues.

Just for Fun

A collection of field trips focused on fun, unusual, or cinematic places around the world.

Seasonal Field Trips

Explore field trips geared towards the holidays, celebrations, and time of year.

Shapes, Angles and Mathematical Concepts

Explore field trips designed to teach students math in the real world.