Tuesday excursion

Stirling has small town centre brimming with history and one of the largest and most important castles in Scotland, dramatically set on an outcrop of rock, in which Mary, Queen of Scots, was crowned in 1542. Although records mention Stirling Castle in the 12th c., most of its buildings date from the 15th - 16th c.

Tuesday is our excursion day and we have planned an outing to Stirling!

The coach leaves at 9.30am sharp from outside University Hall (where you have dinner).

The drive to Stirling is ~1.5h and you will be given tickets to the castle. You can view it at your leisure (with or without audioguide), walk around town, have coffee / drinks, etc.

For the return, the coach will leave from outside the castle at 4pm sharp! We should be back at the university between 5.30 and 6pm, depending on traffic.

You'll be given packed lunch (to be picked up as on Friday) and there will be dinner at University Hall, but at a later hour: 8pm!