Post-Secondary Planning

      • Transition planning is an active process that occurs throughout all years in high school. This is a collaborative process that involves a number of key players:the student

      • parents and guardians

      • the Psychologist

      • Special Education department staff

      • Guidance

      • Adminstration

At St. Brother Andre, we remain committed to student success with post-secondary institutions and programs.


Parents and students are strongly encouraged to begin investigating post-secondary destinations WELL IN ADVANCE of the grade 12 year. This could include:

  • arranging for campus tours on weekends and during the summer

  • calling the institution, in particular, the disability/accessibility office

  • gathering literature and visiting websites

  • attending the Ontario University Fair or the College Fair

  • explore various community agencies that offer day programs for adults with various exceptionalities and needs

  • investigate various community and government agencies


Parents and students are encouraged to contact post-secondary institutions to inquire about additional application processes and documentation requirement to access accommodations. Since secondary school staff cannot share any information related to any student with colleges or universities, it is the responsibility of the student to disclose and share any and all pertinent information with the institution that he or she will attend after graduation. Post-secondary institutions may require some or all of the following documentation:

  1. a copy of the most recent Individual Education Plan (IEP)

  2. a copy of the most recent IPRC document

  3. a copy of the most recent psychological assessment

NOTE: Psychological assessments for post-secondary purposes are not guaranteed for all students. Needs are examined on a case-by-case basis.