Section 07 - Department Policies for Spring & Summer Activities


(Includes Practices, Weight Room & General Conditioning Activities)

7.1.0 Senior High Schools are allowed to organize and conduct practice dates. Junior High/Middle School practices are not allowed.

7.1.1 A written plan including dates & times of practices must be submitted to the Building Athletic/Activity Director by April 30th, who in turn must submit to the Board of Directors.

7.1.2 All athletes must be properly registered with Building Athletic/Activity Director. This includes current WVSD registration and physical authorization form.

7.1.3 Coaches must possess, at all times, an emergency medical information card for every athlete.

7.1.4 Students are not allowed to participate until the conclusion of the last WIAA spring contest.

7.1.5 Practices are optional. Students are not required to attend. Practices shall be open to all WVHS students

7.1.6 Proper supervision must be present at all times.

7.1.7 Spring Football:

1. Maximum 10 days of spring football practices are allowed.

2. Helmets may be issued and used for athlete’s protection.

3. Shoulder pads may be issued and used for athlete’s protection.

4. Shorts or sweat pants only. No knee or thigh pads.

5. No full scales or full speed scrimmages that include full tackling.

6. Bump off and tag off drills only.

7.1.8 Helmets:

1. Helmets used in spring practice must be resubmitted for reconditioning and NOCSAE re-certification, unless, respective helmet is issued to same athlete for fall turnouts. Helmets must be collected and stored during the summer.

2. Helmets may be issued to players selected to play in the WSFCA all-star game. Helmet must be returned and resubmitted for re-certification.

3. Students are not allowed to take helmets home or to use helmets at camps attended on an individual, non-team basis.

4. Helmets may be issued for players to wear to commercial team camps outside the West Valley School District only if, District Risk Manager has given written approval that said camp meets all district insurance requirements.

5. At the conclusion of each fall season, all helmets used during the season must be submitted for re-certification, unless helmet is to be discarded from inventory.

6. Head coaches are required to keep an accurate and complete inventory list of every helmet. Such list shall minimally include the respective manufacturing date and dates of re-certification.

7. For camps, clinics, leagues or tournaments, authorization must be obtained from the Building Athletic/Activity Department. Call for regulations, procedures, and application.


(Camps - Clinics -Leagues -Tournaments)

7.2.0 GENERAL GUIDELINES: West Valley School District Athletic/Activity Department policy allows district employed coaches and advisors to seek approval to organize and conduct Athletic/Activity activities on district facilities and grounds. Approved activities must be in compliance with all WIAA and WVSD Rules and Regulations. The Building Director of Athletic/Activities is responsible for the review and final approval of all summer activities conducted by WVSD employees on WVSD properties. Activities must be open to all West Valley School District students.


These are activities whereby:

a. No participation fees or charges are involved unless,

b. Fees or charges are paid directly to West Valley School District.

c. Facility use forms are completed and approved.

If approved, there are no facility use charges and district insurance coverage is in effect. All revenues and expenses are processed through district procedures and activity revenues must exceed expenses. Non-District Activity

These are camps or activities where participants must pay a fee to the sponsor. Sponsor collects fees and is responsible for payment of all expenses. District reserves the right to review and determine appropriate salaries and net profits.

a. Certificate of Insurance and Hold Harmless Agreement is required.

b. Applicant is responsible for all expenses, including facility rental and labor charges.



(Camps - Clinics -Leagues -Tournaments) District Activity

Procedure for Approval

1. Applicant must submit the following items to receive consideration for approval.

a. Applicant will attach Summer Activity Description Form that indicates objectives, participant’s age group, and format and supervision procedure.

b Applicant will attach Summer Activity Budget Form indicating all anticipated revenues and expenditures, including accurate per diem salary and benefit rates.

c. Applicant will attach WVSD Facility Use Form for Use of School Facilities

2. Building Athletic/Activity Director will determine whether activity is appropriate and notify applicant and building administration of final status.

3. Applicant will be responsible for assuring compliance with department guidelines for practices, weight rooms & general conditioning activities. This includes that all participants have a WVSD registration and physical authorization form on file along with emergency medical information. Procedures for Registration Fees (if any)

1. All fees associated with activity must be paid to the ASB with WVSD guidelines.

2. In cases where school is closed for summer, Applicant must coordinate collection, receipting and depositing with the WVSD district office. Accounting Procedures

1. Applicant may pay for program supplies using WVSD ASB guidelines.

2. Athletic/Activity department will put all coaches and assistants on the payroll as district employees.

Athletic/Activity Director will process district employee stipends via payroll department.

4. Within one (1) week after completion of activity, the Applicant will submit a financial summary to the Building Athletic/Activity Director, indicating actual revenue and actual expenditures. Building Athletic/Activity Director is

responsible to summit financial statement to Assistant Superintendent of finance/ASB Advisor. Activity Classification

1. In order to qualify as a West Valley School District (WVSD) Activity, the clinic, league or tournament must be limited to WVSD students or private school students who are permanent residents of WVSD.


(Camps - Clinics - Leagues - Tournaments)

7.4.0 Non-District Activity Procedure for Approval

1. Applicant must submit the following items to receive consideration for authorization.

2. Applicant will attach Summer Activity Description Form that indicates objectives, participant’s age group, and format and supervision procedure.

3. Applicant will attach Summer Activity Budget Form indicating all anticipated revenues and expenditures, including accurate per diem salary and benefit rates.

4. Applicant will attach Facility Use Form.

5. Applicant will attach a Certificate of Insurance. Certificate must name the West Valley School District as additional insured in the amount of $1,000,000.

Building Athletic/Activity Director will determine whether activity is appropriate and notify applicant and building administration of final status. Fee Schedule (District Fee Schedule) Facilities Accounting Procedures

a. Applicant will collect participation fees (if any) and pay all program expenses.

b. Applicant will submit a financial budget summary to the Superintendent of Finance actual revenue and actual expenditures. Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA)

In addition to complying with West Valley School District regulations, the activity must comply with Washington Interscholastic Activities Association rules.


(Camps - Clinics - Leagues - Tournaments)

7.5.0 GENERAL GUIDELINES: A coach/supervisor/advisor (paid, unpaid, or volunteer) of the West Valley School District while discharging their duties during a summer camp will adhere to the following:

1. Students/athletes will be supervised at all times.

2. If a coach/advisor and staff are invited to a social function sponsored by the sponsors of the camp in conjunction with the team's attendance at said camp, the following will be in place:

a. The Head Coach or Head Advisor will be responsible for the immediate

supervision and any decisions concerning his/her "campers".

b. The Head Coach or Head Advisor may abrogate this responsibility to the following people (in sequence) who will then assume total responsibility for decisions concerning the "campers" 1) a paid assistant, 2) an approved volunteer assistant, 3) another school district employee, 4) an approved parent


c. If alcohol is served at the social function and consumed; no coach, advisor, volunteer, parent chaperone, or other school district employee will have any interactions with the "campers", until such time as is appropriate, e.g. the next day. All decisions concerning campers will be made by the person appointed by the Head Coach or Head Advisor to provide immediate supervision.