Section 03 - Code of Conduct


In order to accomplish the goals set forth, it is necessary to develop and maintain a team spirit that is based on appropriate standards. Certain regulations are necessary to prevent disruption of team spirit that could detract from the competition and cooperation values provided by activities.

School Programs should reflect the attitude of the community that pays for them and, it appropriate benefits are to be derived from the athletic program; it must be able to operate in a climate devoid of disruptive influence. If the community is to truly identify with its schools through the activity medium, it is imperative that team members conduct themselves in a manner that will inspire pride and approval.

All students who participate in the activities program of the West Valley School District will comply with the rules and regulations and will submit to the reasonable discipline of the school authorities. Any student having registered and/or participated in the activities program is subject to the participant conduct and control for student from the first participation until graduation from senior high school.

Any student participant who willfully performs an act, which materially interferes with or is detrimental to the orderly operation of a school’s educational and activities program will be subject to discipline, probation, suspension or expulsion as described below.

The following acts by a student participant on or off school district property, if the actions of the student materially or substantially impact the educational process, will constitute sufficient cause for discipline, probation, suspension or expulsion: the commission of any criminal act as defined by law or any behaviors defined as exception misconduct. This includes, but not limited to: disruptive conduct; disobedience of reasonable instructions of school authorities; refusal to identify oneself; unauthorized absence from turnout or game; cheating; immoral conduct; vulgarity or profanity; destruction or defacing of property; extortion; intimidation or harassment (including racial/gender) of another student or employee; assault of another student or employee; stealing; possession or use of any dangerous weapons or objects and; Use, sale or possession of tobacco; use, sale or possession of alcoholic beverages; use, sale or possession or drugs and/or related paraphernalia. Possession includes both physical and constructive possession.

Student participants suspended or expelled from school must be reinstated to activity participation when reinstated to school, if the act is not related to activity standards. Also, if a student is suspended from school, the student is on probation/suspended from activities and even though back in school pending appeal, the student is still subject to activity discipline.

NOTE: Sanctions will carry over from seventh grade to eighth grade; eighth grade will not carry over to high school.


3.2.0 Activities Probation Is a period during which a student remains a part of the squad while he/she is given an opportunity to correct the deficiencies in a time prescribed by the coach and/or Activities Director. During the probation, student participant may continue to participate in turnouts and contests

3.2.1 Activities Suspension will be a suspension from participation for a specified number of contests, the duration which may extend beyond the current season. The suspended student participant will take part in activity turnouts and meetings and continue gradechecks.

3.2.2 Activities Expulsion will mean the complete denial of the privilege to participate in any West Valley activity program for an indefnite period of time.

3.2.3 In Season This document is in force 365 days per year.

3.2.4 Calendar Year 365 consecutive days.

3.2.5 Completed Season A season in which a student begins the season within the first week of turnout and completes the season, in good standing, without interruption until the last scheduled event/competition for that activity for that West Valley School. Completing a season includes attending practices, meetings, games, etc., as established by the coach/advisor of that activity.


3.3.0 DEFINITIONS/TERMS Actual Possession The act of having a substance in one’s custody or control. Actual possession occurs when the item is in the physical custody of the person charged with possession. Constructive Possession In the absence of physical possession, if there is dominion and control over the substance such as knowledge that alcohol, legend drugs or illegal substances are available and/or being used by others, student athletes have a responsibility to remove themselves, beyond all reasonable doubt and proximity, from that situation. At off campus events, where drugs, alcohol or other illegal substances are evident, student athletes who have made a willful choice to remain at the event, are in violation of the rule. Use Physical consumption of any illegal substance by any means. Sale The act of distributing an illegal substance by means of exchanging substances for an agreed sum of money or other valuable consideration.

· Proximity Close in distance, time or relationship (commingling or interacting) with other students coming or going from a social gathering, whether inside location or outside (yard/street/ neighborhood). Discovery-Investigative The process by which an administrator/coach/adviser, arrives at a conclusion regarding a students involvement in an activities code infraction without the student’s full/honest cooperation. The decision will be based on evidence either verbal, or written. Discovery-Self Admittance Participants who admit to their involvement in an activity code infraction within two working days of the initial administrative contact.


Activities Probation (Behavioral/Attendance/Academics)

The building AD produces a weekly grades report for coaches. Students are placed on probation (warning) for a single week with a D or F grade. Athletes should be notified of the probation by the coach. Parents can monitor their student’s grades via internet with Family Access.

Coaches/advisors may send student home for the remainder of a contest or turnout if their conduct is disruptive.

In the event probation is imposed, the coach/advisor will:

Inform the student participant of the deficiencies, how the student is to correct them and the number of days of probation.

Contact the parent/guardian before the next team game/turnout.

Upon completion of the probationary period, if the deficiency is not corrected, the student

participant is recommended for suspension to the Building A.D.

Activities Suspension/Expulsion Investigative Conference (Substance Issues/Advanced Behavioral Issues)

The building AD produces a weekly grades report for coaches. Students are placed on academic suspension (no competitions, practices only) for a consecutive weeks with a D or F grade. Athletes should be notified of the suspension by the coach. Parents can monitor their student’s grades via internet with Parent Access.

Prior to the suspension or expulsion of any student participant for substance issues or advanced behavior issues (not for academics), a conference will be conducted with the student as follows:

The Principal/Designee will present to the student participant an oral and/or written notice of alleged misconduct and violation (s) of school district rules, the evidence in support of the allegations, and the corrective action or sanction to be recommended.

The student participant will be provided the opportunity to present an explanation.

Following the conference with the student, the principal/or designee may recommend activity suspension or expulsion.

If the principal/designee imposes athletic suspension or expulsion, the student participant will be orally notified of the action taken. Within 5 working days, a certified, written notice will be sent by mail to the student’s parent/guardian containing the following information: The action taken (suspension, expulsion, etc.), the reason for such disciplinary action, and the right to a building administrative conference (step one of the appeal process, see page 15). A copy of the suspension or expulsion notice will be sent to the Superintendent, Asst. Superintendent, the Special Services Director and District Athletic Coordinator.

1st Violation In-Season/Out of Season (Alcohol Issues)

Means of Discovery Actual Possession/Use/Sale Constructive/Proximity Possession

Suspension for 50% of current (or next played) season’s contests, including post-season (and into the next season if less than 50% of current remains)

Reinstatement Process (REQUIRED following suspension for alcohol issues, see pg. 14) Suspension for 40% of current (or next played) season’s contests, including post-season (and into the next season if less than 40% of current remains)

Reinstatement Process (REQUIRED following suspension for alcohol issues, see pg. 14)

Suspension for 30% of current (or next played) season’s contests, including post-season (and into the next season if less than 30% of current remains). 10% of the season may be held in abeyance by the principal.

Reinstatement Process (REQUIRED following suspension for alcohol issues, see pg. 14) Suspension for 20% of current (or next played) season’s contests, including post-season (and into the next season if less than 20% of current remains). 10% of the season may be held in abeyance by the principal.

Reinstatement Process (REQUIRED following suspension for alcohol issues, see pg. 14)

2nd Violation In-Season/Out of Season (Alcohol Issues)

Means of Discovery Actual Possession/Use/Sale/Constructive/Proximity Possession


Self Admittance

3rd Violation In-Season/Out of Season (Alcohol Issues)

Whether in season or out of season, a third violation of the activities code for alcohol and/or substance abuse will result in expulsion from all activities in the West Valley School District.

Tobacco Violations In Season/Out of Season

1st violation

2nd and subsequent


Season Lengths: (Post-season subject to change, all percentages and suspensions based on regular full regular season lengths/contests, see examples that follow

Football: HS: 10 regular season (4-5 possible playoff games); Middle Level 6 games

B/G Soccer: HS: 16 regular season (max. 8-10 possible playoff games); ML 10

Volleyball: HS: 16 regular season (max. 10-12 possible playoff matches); ML 10

Cross Country: HS: 10 regular season (max 2-3 possible post-season meets); ML10

B/G Basketball: HS: 20 regular season (max. 8-10 possible playoff games); ML 10

Wrestling: HS: 16 regular season (3 post-season matches); ML 10

B/G Swimming: HS: 10 regular season (max. 2-3 possible post-season meets);

Bowling: HS: 12 regular season (max 2-3 possible post-season matches); ML TBD

Baseball: HS: 20 regular season (max 8-10 possible playoff games); ML 10

Fastpitch: HS: 20 regular season (max 8-10 possible playoff games); ML 10

Track: HS: 10 regular season (max 2-3 possible post-season meets); ML 10

Tennis: HS: 16 regular season (3 post season matches)

Golf: HS: 12 regular season (3 post season matches)

Cheer: HS: see football, basketball, wrestling season lengths

Band/Drill/Dance: HS: see football (including fall invites/parades) and basketball (including winter invites/parades) season lengths (drill state included in basketball season.)

Examples OF DISCIPLINARY actions for game/meet/match suspensions (all %’s rounded up)

Johnny, a varsity football player has a first alcohol violation that comes to light after game 2 of the football season for an investigative, actual possession charge. The team’s season ends at game 9. Consequence? Lose games 3,4,5,6,7 (50% of current season) must turn out for practices and follow the reinstatement steps to regain eligibility.

Joey, a varsity football player has a first alcohol violation that comes to light after game 6 of the football season for an investigative, actual possession charge. The team’s season ends at game 12 (state quarterfinals) after a nice playoff run. Consequence? Lose 7-11 games (50% of current season) must turn out for practices and follow the reinstatement steps to regain eligibility.

Bart, a varsity football player has a first alcohol violation that comes to light after game 6 of the football season for an investigative, actual possession charge. The team’s season ends at game 10. Consequence? Lose games 7,8,9,10 (40%) and serves a remainder (10%) during the next season for that athlete, must turn out for practices and follow the reinstatement steps to regain eligibility.

Bobby, a JV football player has a first alcohol violation that comes to light after game 6 of the football season for an investigative, actual possession charge. Consequence? The varsity makes the playoffs, but since he would not have made the varsity playoff squad, he loses games 7-10 (40%) and serves the remainder (10%) during the next season for that athlete (must turn out for practices and follow reinstatement steps to regain eligibility.)

Geoff, a junior who would have played on the varsity basketball team has a second alcohol violation that comes to light in October (investigative). His only sport is basketball. Consequence? Loses entire basketball season (but must turn out for practices the entire season as a non-roster player/manager and follow the reinstatement steps to be eligible the next season).

Shelly, a junior who would have played on the varsity basketball team has a second violation (an MIP/MIC in the summer) that she informs the school administration of via a letter/phone call during the summer, before the school receives the report from law enforcement (Self-Admittance, Actual). Consequence? Loses games 1-12 (60%) of Basketball season, must turn out for practices and follow reinstatement steps to regain eligibility.

Shelly, in the same situation above, tries out for the volleyball team in hopes of having the consequences be served in the fall…she does not make the team. Consequence? Loses games 1-12 (60%) of basketball season, must turn out for practices and follow the reinstatement steps to regain eligibility.

Shelly, in the same situation above, tries out for cross-country in hopes of having the consequences be served in the fall…she makes the team. Consequence? Loses meets 1-6 of cross country season, must turn out for all practices and compete in any remaining meets for the fall season while following the reinstatement steps to regain eligibility. If she does, she will be fully eligible for the winter season…if she skips any practices or quits the team, she will have to start from zero: losing games 1-12 of basketball season.

Suzy, a JV track athlete has a first prescription/legend drug/steroid/illicit substance violation that comes to light after meet 5 of the spring season. Consequence? Suzy loses remainder of the current season by WIAA rule. May seek help for problem with use of drugs. Can be reinstated with appearance before the WVSD Ad Hoc Discipline Committee and follow their recommendations and reinstatement process.

Jill, an 11th grade, varsity track athlete who would have definitely made it to the district meet has a first prescription/legend drug/steroid/illicit substance violation that comes to light after meet 7 of the spring season. Consequence? Jill loses remainder of the current season by WIAA rule. May seek help for problem with use of drugs. Can be reinstated with appearance before the WVSD Ad Hoc Discipline Committee and follow their recommendations and reinstatement process.

Anita, a 10th grade, JV track athlete who has a second prescription/legend drug/steroid/illicit substance violation that comes to light with 2 regular season meets remaining. Consequence? Anita loses all athletic eligibility for one calendar year by WIAA rule. After the calendar year, athlete can be reinstated with appearance before the WVSD Ad Hoc Discipline Committee and follow their recommendations and reinstatement process.

Crystal, an 11th grade basketball cheer squad athlete has a 2nd tobacco violation for smoking on the bus on the way home from the 5th game of the year. Consequence? Crystal loses games 6-9 (20%) of the season, must turn out for practices and follow reinstatement steps to regain eligibility

Laura, a 12th grade drill team athlete, has a 1st or 2nd violation that takes place at the state basketball tournament. Consequence? Will not be able to attend/participate in the State Drill Competition.

Prescription (Legend) Drugs/Anabolic Steroids

Legend drugs and controlled substances – Penalties for the possession, use or sale of legend drugs (drugs obtained through prescription, RCW 69.41.020-050) and controlled substances (RCW 69.50) shall be as follows:

1st Violation - A participant shall be immediately ineligible for interscholastic competition in the current interscholastic sports program for the remainder of the season. Ineligibility shall continue until the next sports season in which the participant wishes to participate unless the student accesses the assistance program outlined in B (below.)

A. In order to be eligible to participate in the next interscholastic sports season, the

student athlete shall meet with the school eligibility board consisting of coaches and administrators selected by the principal, to request approval to participate. The school

eligibility board will recommend to the principal appropriate action to be taken in the

student athlete's case. The school principal shall have the final authority as to the

student athlete's participation in the interscholastic sports program.

B. A participant who seeks and receives help for a problem with use of legend drugs

(RCW 69.41.010 identified substances) or controlled substances and controlled

substance analogs (RCW 69.50.101 identified substances) shall be given the

opportunity for assistance through the school and/or community agencies. In no

instance shall participation in a school and/or community approved assistance

program excuse a student athlete from subsequent compliance with this regulation.

However, successful utilization of such an opportunity or compliance with athletic

code by the student athlete may allow him/her to have eligibility re-instated in that

athletic season, pending recommendation by the school eligibility authority.

2nd Violation - A participant who again violates any provision of RCW 69.41.020 through

69.41.050 or of RCW 69.50 shall be ineligible for interscholastic competition for a period of one

(1) calendar year from the date of the second violation.

3rd Violation - A participant who violates for a third time RCW 69.41.020 - 69.41.050 or of

RCW 69.50 shall be permanently ineligible for interscholastic competition.

Reinstatement Process (REQUIRED following suspension for any/all substance issues):

The building principal may reinstate to competition/activity upon the completion of the following:

Drug and/or alcohol assessment (including urinalysis assessment) conducted by the WVSD Intervention Specialist and/or WVSD designee. Parents and/or guardians are required to participate in the drug and/or alcohol written/oral assessment process.

Proof that a drug/alcohol, counseling, or preventive education program (as a requirement after the written/oral assessment) has been substantially completed (substantial means on-going attendance).

Proof that (10-1st violation; 20-2nd violation) community service hours arranged through appropriate agencies and approved by the principal/designee has been substantially completed.

Written request for re-instatement from both parents and athlete which includes a summary of the progress relating to steps taken, to be taken, and a reflection and self-evaluation of the behavior.

Appeal Procedure

Building Administrative Conference (STEP 1)

Any student participant, parent or guardian who is aggrieved by any activity suspension or expulsion has the right to an informal conference with the principal, or his/her designee, and any other employee involved. Any request for such administrative conference will be made within five school days of the mailing of the certified return written notice of the action.

At such administrative conference, the student participant, parent /guardian, principal and/or designee will engage in dialogue regarding the matter being grieved, including the means of discovery and/or the disciplinary procedures and penalties being imposed.

Ad Hoc Discipline Committee Conference (STEP 2)

Any student participant, parent/guardian who may be aggrieved following the administrative conference may, within 3 working days of the administrative conference, present a written and/or oral grievance to the building principal and/or his/her designee in order to convene the West Valley School District Activities Ad Hoc Discipline Committee. The District Designated Coordinator will convene the Committee within 10 working days, after consulting on a mutually agreed upon date with the parties involved. Due to the difficult nature of organizing the meeting, once the appeal date has been set, the aggrieved and/or their designee must appear or the matter is closed.

FUNCTION: To function as the first appeal panel after the informal conference step in cases of athletic/activity suspension or expulsion to review the case and hear any new facts or evidence.

AUTHORITY: The committee has the right to amend and/or modify previous administrative disciplinary decisions.

COMMITTEE: A panel of three to seven individuals with voting rights and a non-voting chairman. Chairman to be the District Athletic Coordinator, who will be responsible for scheduling, rules of order, voting and notification of decision.

If a Grade 9-12 student (Suspension Offense) there will be five members: two 9-12 grade parents, one teacher/coach and one administrator/AD from another school, one high school student.

If a Grade 7-8 student (Suspension Offense) there will be three members: one 7-8 parent, one teacher/coach and one administrator/AD from another school.

If a Grade 9-12 student (Expulsion Offense) there will be seven members: two 9-12 parents, two teacher/coaches (at least one from another school), one administrator/AD from another school, two high school students.

If a Grade 7-8 student (Expulsion Offense) there will be five members: two 7-8 parents, two teacher/coaches (at least one from another school), one administrator/AD from another school.


School Board Appeal/Hearing (STEP 3)

If the appeal is not resolved, the student, parent/guardian, within 5 working days of the Ad Hoc conference, may present a written and/or oral grievance to the Board of Directors to be dealt with at its next regularly scheduled or special meeting.

The Board of Directors will notify the student participant and the student’s parent/guardian in writing of its decision within ten school days following the meeting.

The discipline, probation, suspension or expulsion will continue notwithstanding the implementation of the appeal procedure.