Old MacDonald "Yes and No" Fun
Use with printed Yes and No cards, thumbs or your head nod for modeling!
Yes, I can
Use head gestures with animal names and actions in the most complex form. You can just practice modeling head gestures. Remember it's ok to physically support your child to nod and turn their own head from behind. It is an awkward motion but they tend t catch on very quickly if they have shared attention. Give the reinforcer "yes" or "no" within 1-2 seconds to pair learning with action
What do you think of these You Tube hosts? I liked this piece to help you to understand YES/NO at the basics. This couple feels like an organic conversation with a parent! I hope you enjoy. Email me if you want more videos like these on this site! You can use "textuals" YES/NO but you can also use a :) :( smiley and frown face! Ask if you want visuals as we can print off of our SYMBOLSTIX program
Check out this week's Make it Stick YES/No and be sure to add the back page for a song!
Video to think on.....
Check out this video that helps parents to teach YES and NO from a behavioral therapist. She brings up a good point that some kids may NOT be ready for this concept. We feel strongly that your child can tolerate the MODELING and USE of YES/NO in your home. So when you are doing the Make it Stick activities, consider sticking with having your child make REQUESTS "Do you want spinach?" ( when you know full well they DO NOT WANT SPINACH). Use the head nod "NO" to support that communication.
Print and Practice this YES/NO book if your child is able to imitate the head nod "YES" and "NO" and can make choices for highly desired common items such as; food, ipad, clothing etc.
Print this and cut out the YES / NO use this to supplement choices in DAILY ACTIVITIES like choosing cereal in the am, juice or water, clothing, toys, even TV shows! Remember to stick with their choice (see video below) and give them another option if they didn't choose carefully.
While you're at it, you can add the yes/ no check box to a plastic protector and kids that are practicing using implements, can fill in their responses! How fun right? Model, model model.
This is not just for your preschooler! Everyone in the house can use yes/no symbols, paired with a head nod to communicate their wants and needs. If they see the whole house and extended family using this for choices, how likely will your kids want to use it too?
So, what have you got to lose?