Being able to REFUSE or END activities is very POWERFUL! Practice this word of the week with the MAKE IT STICK (see attachments) activities listed below. Check out this mom on You Tube and how she uses "ALL DONE" incorporated with a few other 6 basic signs.

We use "done" and "finished" interchangeably in class but remember, you can use FINISH as a concept mixed with START-FINISHED.

Check out this link: DANIEL TIGER!

He gets super frustrated when him mom takes away his toys when he is NOT FINISHED. You can teach this target AND practice the "USE YOUR WORDS SONG". Remember, adding MUSIC to instruction can really help our kiddos to learn in a different way!

MORE - ALL DONE Make it Stick.pdf

Here's your home practice for the week. It should be in your child's backpack at the beginning of each week and you can return the following week.

Remember: Tick what you can and leave notes where the practice is challenging. It's about getting in those opportunities to practice and providing repetitions to practice. That's when we will see the progress.

We love to see celebrations too.