Do you WANT to build a snowman?

Emphasize "WANT" with sign language or pause the song.... "Do you ____ to build a snowman." You will have to use the SLOW DOWN wheel cog in the bottom right to catch "WANT".


GO OUT AND BUILD A SNOWMAN...or make one out of play dough!


Meet Stephen Kneece, MA, CCC-SLP, an SLP that made his own core vocabulary songs. It's not Baby Shark BUT, this pace is slow and perfectly appropriate to drive those repetitions home to your child's ears. Please consider just playing this as a warm up or put on your phone and play while you are getting dressed, brushing your teeth or in the car on your way to school!

WANT activities
WANT Make it Stick.pdf

Remember: Sign and Tick what you can and leave notes where the practice is challenging. This is a parent accountability piece that you can opt to participate with their core content. It's about getting in those opportunities to practice and providing repetitions to practice. That's when we will see the progress.

We love to see celebrations too.

WANT is a BIG deal! Enjoy and use hand gestures to sing along.

See below to sign "WANT"

"I" Pronoun

Scrub ahead to 1 min. You will see how to sign "I". Many of our kids have difficulty with pronouns! Start with the most important one to littles..."I" ! Combine with "I want" and we are starting to empower them to make choices and possibly see behaviors shift.

Practice using SIGN LANGUAGE to prompt your child's verbal language!

It works...try it and have the whole house practice signing and saying

If you WANT to be a Pirate

Swish Swish and shout "AH HOY!"

  • Add a fun plastic eye patch and maybe a pirate hat.


  • Use the wheel cog to SLOW DOWN the song as needed

  • PRESS PAUSE on "WANT" and see if your child adds the verbal or sign or use your VISUAL "WANT" card!

What do YOU want for Xmas? Sing a long in the car!

Add a photo support or use your smart phone to show your child the HIPPO! Emphasize "WANT" with sign language.

1 Monday - Want Intro Modeling
Want - CWOW planner.pdf

Enjoy this super cool resource!

i want that requests PDF.pdf

I want that request

I want...

Sometimes..you just gotta find the fun.

I want script
Bodee I want that

WANT at school