Go Away

STOP & GO Mr. Clay

Mr. Clay is the cool teacher! Turn him on and have some practice moving your body to teach STOP and GOOOOOOOOOO!  Parents, remember, you need to wiggle too! 

STOP activities
Stop Signs Small.pdf

Listen as  Courtney Peters  gives you some ideas of how to play RED LIGHT GREEN LIGHT. Feel empowered to use google to find signs as you need. I've used a simple dry erase board with colored markers. You MAY need to add an external motivator to reward the STOP/GO when outside. 

STOP SIGNS IN THE CAR! Print and place in your car! RAISE the STOP sign every time you STOP the car. Point out the STOP sign around town that matches. For some real fun, go to an empty parking lot and have your child command YOU to STOP  the car when they lift the sign. This can be very powerfully motivating communication for our children to be in "control". You MAY stop FAST and SLOW and accelerate in the same manner to teach more concepts. If you happen to have a horse...well then..that's some real fun! 

STOP make it stick (1).pdf

Make it Sticks are so IMPORTANT to integrate into your daily activities. Read thru and tick off items you've practiced this week.

We love comments! Let us know how it's going and maybe your celebrations,  surprises and frustrations. 

make it stick READY SET GO.docx

GO AWAY BIG GREEN MONSTER! Go Away! Is a great way to incorporate some scripted learning for our students to then transition to use it more functionally in day to day language! Check out a BIG SCARY MONSTER our friend River and his mom made below. They may use the Monster when they "GO AWAY" to the park or the store.

GO AWAY.. Catchy Song

Use the GEAR in the bottom right to SLOW down fast videos

Go Away Simple Read

Go Away with a GOOD MONSTER sound effects!


Print and color GO  GREEN