Yipes, how to I help my kiddo talk independently?

Many parents feel their kiddos "can say" their target words well, but first ask yourself,


Does this sound like something you may say at your house?

  • When playing with toys together and you child gestures to get another block, "Oh Billy, do you want MORE (then you sign too), I think you need to tell me MORE and I will give you a block."

  • When practicing "more" with food items, "say more please"

  • When putting on your child's coat, "Do you need HELP?"

  • "Do you want MORE? Say More before I give you More"

These are all VERBAL PROMPTS and your child is technically dependent on that support, to then say the word. This can be a problem when seeking independence and restrict your child's ability to independent participate with peers in a typical classroom setting.

Then use the ladder to the left to learn "HOW INDEPENDENTLY" they are doing this one task. This is how we rate/work with your kiddos as school. We are always rating their ability based off a goal of "INDEPENDENTLY USE targets.

This ladder is scaffolding that supports INDEPENDENT language, use any level of scaffold you NEED to communicate effectively--just realize when and what type of supports your child NEEDS vs. what are you giving?

Click on this great article HERE to better understand the prompting hierarchy. Learn dependence on your prompts is the NUMBER ONE problem feedback we get from teachers of our kiddos in the upper grades! Help us to minimize their NEED for prompts and increase their ability to be INDEPENDENT COMMUNICATORS at home and in the classroom.