WAI Media

WorkAbility I - Overview Video

This presentation is geared toward school board, administration, etc. WorkAbility I Fast Facts are available to print. Local items you may also consider sharing: brochures, policies & procedures, business cards, list of business partners, etc.

This presentation is geared toward teachers. WorkAbility I Job Placement QRG & Job Coaching QRG are available to print. Local items you may also consider sharing: Living Life On-Line, transition plan worksheet, employment portfolio, brochures, policies & procedures, local school-based service providers contact information, local community-based service providers contact information, etc.

This presentation is geared toward parents. WorkAbility I Fast Facts and Parent Support QRG are available to print.

Local items you may also consider sharing: Living Life On-Line, brochures, policies & procedures, local school-based service providers contact information, local community-based service providers contact information, etc.

Prior to commencing the video, consider informing the parents that the young adults featured recap their experience over the past 5 years which includes collaboration from various agencies.

This presentation is geared toward employers, business partners, etc. WorkAbility I Fast Facts, BEL Testimonials, BEL Testimonials, BEL Newsletters (can only be viewed when logged into a WorkAbility Central account) are available to print.

WorkAbility I - Districts Video

This presentation geared toward school board, administration, etc. WorkAbility I Fast Facts are available to print. Local items you may also consider sharing: brochures, policies & procedures, business cards, list of business partners, etc.

WorkAbility I - Employers Video

This presentation is geared toward employers, business partners, etc. WorkAbility I Fast Facts, BEL Testimonials & BEL Newsletters (can only be viewed when logged into a WorkAbility Central account) are available to print. Local items you may also consider sharing: Affiliation Agreement, Job Training Agreement, brochure, timesheet, work permit, emergency card, etc.

WorkAbility I - Student Videos

Matt Video

Tiffany Video

Toby Video

These presentations are geared toward students. WorkAbility I Job Placement QRG is available to print. Local items you may also consider sharing: Living Life On-Line, transition plan worksheet, brochures, policies & procedures, local school-based service providers contact information, local community-based service providers contact information, etc.