1. Advisory

Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act &  Robert's Rule of Order 

Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act_Sept 7 WAI Advisory PPT 1 1 (2).pptx
Robert's Rules of Order -Sept 7 from WAI Advisory PPT.pptx

WorkAbility I State Advisory Updates

2022 - 2023 WorkAbility I State Advisory Updates

September 7-8, 2022

WAI Advisory PPT September 2022.pptx
WAI Advisory Meeting 9.7.2022
WAI Advisory Meeting 9.8.2022

November 16, 2022

WAI Advisory Meeting Nov 16

WorkAbility I State Advisory Committee

The mission of the WAI State Advisory Committee is to support and represent individual WAI programs on a regional basis, provide input, and review and recommend policy to the CDE.

As provided by Education Code Section 56471 (b), this committee shall include representatives from local WAI projects to ensure ongoing communication. The WAI State Advisory Committee shall be composed of the following voting members:

a. Business, Education and Labor Committee

b. Family Transition Network Committee

c. Governmental Relations Committee

d. Human Support Services Committee

e. Mentoring Committee

f. Wage, Labor and Safety Committee

g. Technology Education Committee

h. State and Regional Training Committee

All programs of the WAI State Advisory Committee members must be in good standing. All voting members must be active participants in the WAI program and official employees of the WAI grant recipient. Guests who represent related programs/organizations/agencies, students and families and business partners may attend the WAI State Advisory Committee meetings as needed to provide and/or receive pertinent information.

State Advisory Executive Committee

An Executive Committee of the WorkAbility Advisory Assistant and four (4) members of the WAI State Advisory Committee may be selected at the request of the WAI State Advisory Committee Chair through a vote of the WAI State Advisory Committee to advise and support the Chair in fulfilling duties outlined in Article VI, section B. No recommendation made by the Executive Committee is final without a vote of approval by the WAI State Advisory Committee voting members. The appointment of Executive Committee Members shall be reconsidered each year prior to July 1st.

State Advisory Chair

The WAI State Advisory Committee Chair is elected by the current WAI State Advisory Committee from their membership. The term of service shall be two (2) consecutive years and the election shall be held at the last WAI State Advisory Committee Meeting prior to July 1 in odd numbered years. The Chairperson’s term begins July 1 of odd numbered years. The position receives additional funding from the CDE to assist with additional expenses of this position.

Role and Responsibilities

The WAI State Advisory Committee Chairperson is responsible to:

State Advisory Chair, Alternate

The WAI State Advisory Committee will elect a WAI Advisory Committee Chair Alternate. The Alternate will assist the WAI State Advisory Chair as needed, serve in the absence of the Advisory Chair in all capacities and replace the WAI State Advisory Chair in the event the Chair position becomes vacant. The position receives additional funding from the CDE to assist with additional expenses of this position.

State Advisory Assistant (Secretary)

The WAI State Advisory Assistant is selected by the State Advisory Chairperson with the approval of the State Advisory Committee. The Advisory Assistant records minutes of meetings, ensures their accuracy, and availability, proposes policies and practices, submits various reports to the board, maintains committee records, fulfills any other requirements of the Chair, and performs other duties as the need arises and/or as defined in the bylaws. The Secretary provides items for the agenda as requested by the Advisory Chair. This position receives additional funding from the CDE to assist with additional expenses of this position.

Draft of Bylaws Advisory