Legislative Updates (GRC)

Government Relations Committee (GRC) - Research, correlate, and disseminate information related to legislative process and policy formation at the federal, state, and local levels as it relates to the WorkAbility I program.

Fast Facts

WorkAbility I Fast Facts   

Fast Facts provides an overview of WorkAbility I and can be utilized to assist with presenting information about the program.

WorkAbility I Fast Facts 2023 - PDF  

WorkAbility I Fast Facts 2023.pdf

2023 Legislative Updates

California Legislative Information 


The Alternate Pathways to a High School Diploma (Alt Pathways) Workgroup, authorized by the Budget Act of 2020, Senate Bill (SB) 74, met from December 2020 to July 2021 to make recommendations to the California State Legislature, State Board of Education, Department of Education, and Department of Finance pertaining to the examination of existing and potential additional pathways to a high school diploma for students with disabilities.  


Alternate Pathway to Diploma Legislation Report:  https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/se/ac/altpathwayslegreport.asp



An act to add Sections 56049 and 56049.1 to the Education Code, relating to special education.

SB 692, Cortese. Special education: pupils with disabilities: least restrictive environment.

Existing law requires local educational agencies to identify, locate, and assess individuals with exceptional needs and to provide those individuals with a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment, with special education and related services, as reflected in an individualized education program.

This bill would require the State Department of Education to, on or before November 30, 2023, publish data related to federal measures of least restrictive environment for pupils with disabilities, as provided. The bill would make findings and declarations relating to pupils with disabilities.


The 2021-2022 Education Omnibus Budget Trailer Bill (AB 130) was signed by Governor Newsom on July 9, 2021. Effective January 1, 2022, the requirements of Education Code section 45125.1 were broadened 

https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=2021202 20SB639

SB 639 requires that California employers pay minimum wages for persons with disabilities by 2025.  SB 639, phases out the 14(c) certificate program that was established in 1938. 

The final version of the CIE Blueprint was posted in May 2017.   

Below is a link where the document can be found, along with a CIE toolkit: 


The California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), California Department of Education (CDE),  and California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) have entered into an agreement consistent with the State’s “Employment First” policy and other laws to make employment in an integrated setting, at a competitive wage, for individuals with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) its highest priority.

 The California Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Blueprint is the combined effort of the CDE, DOR and DDS, in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders including Disability Rights of California (DRC), with leadership provided by the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS). The purpose of the Blueprint is to increase opportunities for Californians with ID/DD to prepare for and participate in CIE.

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)  


Regional Center - Paid Internship Partnership (PIP)

The California Department of Developmental Services issued guidelines for implementation of the paid internship program and the competitive integrated employment incentive payments.  See attachments for more information.

Enclosure 1 - 4870(d-g).pdf 

Enclosure 2 - Guidelines for Implementation of Paid Internship Program letter dated 072816.pdf 

Incentive Program Guidelines letter final.pdf 

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act - (WIOA) 

The Final Regulations for how WIOA will be implemented were announced June 30th, 2016. Here are some sites and documents regarding the legislation:


Overview fact sheet: https://www.doleta.gov/WIOA/Docs/Final-Rules-An-Overview-Fact-Sheet.pdf 

Detailed fact sheet: https://www.doleta.gov/WIOA/Docs/Final-Rules-A-Detailed-Look-Fact-Sheet.pdf