Ask the Chair

ASK THE CHAIR is a forum to address questions essential to WorkAbility I. As part of our role in Advisory, Region Managers, and Committee Chairs work together to: 1.  advise CDE regarding WorkAbility needs from the field; 2.  raise burning questions that affect our program and services, and; 3.  use group consensus and best practices to answer essential questions for the field. With the help our strong, informed Advisory team, I will answer all collected questions and use this forum to disseminate the information throughout the state. Let’s stay in good communication and be clear about our roles, strategies and services.

Thanks for your dedication to youth, 

Joanna Della Gatta

WAI State Advisory Chair

Table of Contents

Ask the Chair - Assessments

How can I do a legally defensible assessment? 

The best practice for transition assessment is the use of a range of tools, both formal and informal and a range of observers.

Who is responsible to administer the assessments and write the goals? 

Transition assessment is a function of special education through the IEP process, and ultimately a district responsibility. WorkAbility can help support the battery of transition assessment for a district student, but we are only part of the process. Strong assessment in this area should have a variety of tools and participants, including the case carrier. After all transition assessment results are shared with the IEP team, it is typical that the case carrier writes the transition services goals. This provides clarity for the team regarding transition services. WorkAbility is not a service, and should not be listed as such in the IEP. 

Ask the Chair - Committees

What committees exist and what do they do? 

Please refer to the WorkAbility I Handbook section on Committees.

How long must you be in WAI before you can join a committee? 

There is no mandatory wait time.

Will there be a WAI Central committee formed?

That is being considered. Also, other WAI committees will share a role with the function of WorkAbility Central.

Ask the Chair - Communication

Who is the CDE contact for local WAI programs?  

WAI projects are broken down by regions. Region Managers can take a question for clarification to WAI State Advisory.

If the program coordinator doesn’t work during the summer, who should be the contact person? 

Each site must designate a contact. The designee must be someone who is available and able to address any questions CDE may have. 

Ask the Chair - Curriculums

Is there any chance of coming up with a standardized transition skills curriculum? 

There are a vast number of high quality transition training materials, and our WAI sites are as varied as our student needs. One standard curriculum model that fits all seems unlikely.

Ask the Chair - Funding

How much carryover is my program allowed?  


What are allowable expenses under this grant?  

WorkAbility I funds are intended to support existing transition programs/services for students with IEPs. This includes, but is not limited to, staff and student wages, mandated employment benefits, job training, student and staff transportation to WorkAbility I activities, clothing and tools necessary for a student employment, supplemental curriculum materials, supplies for program operation, office supplies, duplication costs, participation at required WAI trainings, and indirect costs.

Unless specifically approved by CDE, capital purchases such as computers are not allowed.

Does every program receive equal funding? 

All projects are funded at the same rate per student, and all programs receive the same base sum.

How can a program receive additional funding?  

Sites may request additional funding to serve more students. This is done as part of the end-of-year packet, which also includes the funding request for the next school year. If the CDE’s budget allows for a significant increase, the WAI Advisory Committee will recommend priorities for allocating the additional funds.

When SELPAs take back programs from the County Office of Ed. why aren’t WAI funds then distributed among the districts? 

Decisions on use of WAI funds stay with the grantee. This would be a discussion a district should have with their local County Office.

May funds be legally used to pay undocumented students for work experience?  

WAI adheres to state and federal employment regulations so the answer is no. You cannot use WAI funds for this purpose.

Are there other funding resources for transition planning for students with lower functioning cognitive skills?  

Transition Planning is a function of special education through the IEP process. As a responsibility of special education, transition planning is for ALL students on an IEP from age 16 forward regardless of cognitive skill level. WorkAbility funds can help support transition planning for district students, but it should not be the only resource for district transition planning or any other federally mandated transition services.

Do we need to wait for the funding letter before we can submit our Mid-Year Expenditure report?

Yes. The Mid-Year Expenditure form comes with the grant award letter.

Is there a protocol for how funding decisions are made re: increases and decreases to grants, both in regard to funding and student numbers, both placed and served? 

CDE uses a base funding formula and considers increases and decreases each year on a site by site consideration through the grant renewal process. Meeting your grant numbers and all timelines is also a factor.

Where can we look to find other sources of funding? 

Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act, Career Pathways Trust, Department of Rehabilitation, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for starters.

Concerns about the rise in minimum wage and State/Regional trainings.  

Minimum wage is a reality for WAI. Be creative with your placement and hours to work within the parameters of your budget. Ask mentors and other sites how they are facing these rising costs. Regarding training: WAI strives to keep costs down for all trainings. We emphasize the value of online training and sharing information through WorkAbility Central, but there is continued value in face to face meetings. WAI trainings need reasonable costs for maximum attendance.

May WAI funds be used to pay for a sheltered workshop for high school students?  

WAI focuses on employment in the community. WAI also limits on- campus placements to less than 5% of your total job placement goal. This is allowed with a CDE approved School-Based Business Plan. A school-based sheltered workshop may not be a good fit for this grant. However, submit what you envision to CDE for approval.

Are there any possibilities for additional funding for program expansion?  

If CDE receives increased WAI funds next year through the BCP (Budget Change Proposal) process, they will determine if it will go to new sites and/or expansion.

Will there be any additional funding to help defray the rising cost of minimum wages?  

CDE is requesting increased WAI funds next year through the BCP (Budget Change Proposal) process. This year’s request was turned down.

Ask the Chair - General Questions

How does a program know if it is out of compliance?  

CDE will notify programs by mail when they are found out of compliance. A program can fall out of compliance through one of several ways, including:

- Failing to serve all students for which funding was received.

- Failing to place into employment at least 15% of the students for which funding was received.

- Failing to meet all paperwork and electronic filing deadlines.

- Failing to attend all mandatory meetings.

- Failing to follow the Budget Expenditure guidelines.

- Failing to comply with all California Education Code requirements.

What are some strategies to encourage parent/guardian participation?  

- Parent/guardian permission on IEP/TSL/ placement contract/work permit/field trips

- Parent/guardian responsibility on transition goals in IEP

- Parent/guardian Questionnaire

- Newsletter

- Community Advisory Committee

- Parent informational nights (Back-to-School, Open House, Transition Fair, College Fair, etc.)

- Referral to community resources for securing personal documents (California identification card, social security card, birth certificate, etc.). 

How long is a student eligible for WorkAbility I?  

A student is eligible as long as he or she is on an active IEP and meets the local program requirements, including enrollment in a secondary or post-secondary educational program. 

How does a site apply for a grant?  

CDE is not currently accepting applications for new grants. If additional funding becomes available, application information would be posted on the CDE website and distributed through SELPAs. 

Do we need to wait for the funding letter before we can submit our Mid-Year Expenditure report?  

Yes, you will need to wait for the grant award letter before submitting your Mid-Year Expenditure Report. CDE will include the form to be utilized with the grant award notification.

Why are grant award letters coming out later and later each year?  

The grant award process is complicated and involves many departments. The goal of CDE is to get them out as quickly as possible. One way WAI sites can help is to turn in all budget related documents on time. Even one site with an outstanding budget not submitted will hold up the entire process for all sites. 

Will WIOA funding go to “at risk” students?  

We are waiting for the federal regulations to come out to know who WIOA will include.

WAI is saying they are not a transition program yet the state brochure describes us as one.  If we are not, how do we market ourselves?  

WorkAbility is a transition support program, we just cannot operate as the only transition program and services for a district. We provide pre-employment services and limited work experience placement in support of district transition services. As we develop our marketing tools this summer we can share out this distinction. 

Is there WAI support for Court and Community Schools? 

We will look at this more closely and share with CDE. 

How will the Healthy Family Act (AB1522) affect WAI programs?  

We will look at this more closely through our GRC Committee. 

How can we get more corporate buy-in?  

WAI Advisory is engaging in a marketing project starting this summer to help organize this effort across the state. 

Is there a 2015 directory of post-secondary vocational programs we can share with families?  

Advisory will provide this through WorkAbility Central. Since the availability of these programs vary from city to city, each region should compile a local directory to post on site. We will hand this concern to our HSS committee. 

What documentation must be kept at the site level and for how long?  

Each program must collect data documenting services provided to each student. A dated service log must be kept for each student served. The logs must be kept for seven (7) years. 

How can we clarify to our COE what role WAI plays in transition mandates from CDE?  

There is a structured Transition Planning Toolkit from the Balancing Responsibilities and Balancing the Four R’s Power Points on WorkAbility Central. These tools are used to guide District dialogue regarding Transition Services. The materials are all downloadable and training is available.

What can we do if your district doesn’t understand the role of WAI, even after repeated trainings? 

WorkAbility can only be a support service. WAI cannot provide ALL transition services for a district. If you feel your district is pushing your program beyond the role of WAI, contact the WAI State Advisory Chair. Also, if you believe WAI funds are being misused, share that with your Region Manager, and State Advisory Chair. They will share the information with CDE for next steps. Our students deserve the services the WAI grant assures. 

Can we have a sample Policy and Procedure document?  

Yes. It is posted in WorkAbility Central. 

Can we have a pre-meeting to read one another’s EOY reports? 

Absolutely, exchange with a few readers. It will improve your report. 

Ask the Chair - IEPs

No WAI in IEP’s is ok, but what about the specific WAI activities on the IEP/ITP or WAI specialists attending IEP meetings? 

Student activities should be addressed but NOT labeled “WorkAbility.” As a WorkAbility site you can work with your district to decide if WAI specialists should attend meetings. Their input can be of great value, but leave “WorkAbility” off the IEP. 

What wording is appropriate in the IEP?

Student activities can be noted but NOT labeled “WorkAbility” Also, WorkAbility should not be listed as a service. 

How can I get my district to not include WAI in IEP’s? 

Explain that when challenged, the most defendable IEP will NOT have the label “WorkAbility” included. 

Can you be more specific about “no WAI in IEP’s”? 

As per CDE direction, “WorkAbility” should NOT be used in any area of any IEP. 

Ask the Chair - NPS Projects

Can we have more breakout sessions that are geared to NPS projects and their issues? 

Advisory will put this out to Region Managers and share with the Transition Alliance.

Ask the Chair - Placements

How does a program pay training wages? 

As of January 1, 2016 California minimum wage increased to $10 per hour.

Remember that (unless you have a California Learners wage in place) all WAI students earn and are paid minimum wage. There are no exceptions, no scenarios where WorkAbility students can be paid less.

If you are considering using California Learners wage, consult California’s Minimum Wage Order (MW-2014)  and California Labor Code Sections 1191 and 1191.5. 

Who issues work permits?  

Work permits are required in California for any minor student who has not yet graduated and who would like to work. School districts and county offices of education designate their own work permit officials. 

How much student information should an employer receive? 

Student information is confidential. Programs must have written permission from a parent or guardian or, if the student is 18 years or older, from the student before discussing a student’s situation with employers. Employers should receive enough information that they can assist the student with his or her needs on the job. 

What is the 10% placement rule?  

This rule no longer exists. It was done away with a long time ago. On-campus student placements are not allowed without a school business plan that has been reviewed and approved by CDE PRIOR to placing students in an on-campus business.

How many hours does a student need to work to qualify as a placement?  

Any student who has received payment for work is considered a placement. 

What is the definition of an on-campus placement?  

Students working and being paid on their school sites during instructional time are considered on- campus placements. Work before school, during lunch, after school, or at a site different than where they attend is not considered an on campus placement. In your program you can have no more than 5% of your placed totals considered an on- campus placement.

Ask the Chair - Rubrics

Where can I find my score?  


Why are so few words allowed in the Ed. Code requirements sections?  

CDE asked for the 250 per section limit. Our experience as EOY readers over the last few years is that having limits help writers focus on the key elements of their programs. All of us vary in writing style. It may help to read other EOY reports to see how they condense their answers. 

Are there any plans for updating the middle school rubric?  

The rubric will be updated next year. Middle school included.

Ask the Chair - State Conference

Can Bridge to the Future III be in northern CA? 

For the Transition Alliance, that is a consideration. 

Ask the Chair - Timelines

Isn’t it a bit harsh to put someone on Special Conditions for being just two days late with their paperwork?  

As grant recipients WAI sites are responsible for meeting program numbers, attending mandatory meetings, submitting mandated documents, and adhering to all grant timelines. 

With academic years starting earlier, will timelines be adjusted?  

Advisory has not been notified about any changes, and anticipate the WAI fiscal cycle to remain. 

Ask the Chair - WorkAbility Central

Will there be a WAI Central committee formed? 

That is being considered. Also, other WAI committees will share a role with the function of WorkAbility Central.

Can we see some best-practice examples of recruitment on the site? 

Yes. Check your Region information section in WorkAbility Central. 

Will WAI timelines and grant information be posted on the site?  


I would like to learn to use the website to its fullest capacity.  

Great! The best path is to login and start to see how it works for you, then let your Google Guides, Region Managers and State Advisory Chair know how to improve the model.