Week of November 1st

Seriously, have you ever seen a cuter group of kids? We certainly weren't going to let a little MISERABLE weather steal our fun. We had a festive indoor parade, made bookmarks with our buddies, and then enjoyed an awesome party. Not a bad way to spend a Halloween morning.

We wrapped up our multiplication and division units this week. The kids were exposed to several different strategies and hopefully they will continue to practice these important skills. We will now be concentrating on a couple of geometry concepts, perpendicular and parallel lines and squares and rectangles. These units will take place in my room versus mixing the kids up between the teachers.

Our final stream tables are built and we are so excited to see if our homes will survive the flash flood that will occur on Monday. We then take a pause in our science curriculum and introduce our social studies unit, Innovations. We will look at how various innovations affected people's lives through a specific lens: economic, social/cultural, civic, and geographic. We start with the automobile and move to the kids creating their own innovation and presenting them at a fair towards the end of the school year (more information to follow).

As you can tell we are wrapping up a lot of our units and reading and writing are no different. We are working through the revision process for our stories and will be editing and publishing this week and next. Our reading unit comes to a close and we will begin a unit on informational reading. It's very engaging as we learn about various extreme weather and then write, create, and film a PSA in front of a green screen about the phenomenon that we researched, a lot of fun!

I look very forward to seeing you at conferences this week and discussing your child's process and progress. I hope you all enjoy your weekend!