Week of April 24th

We love animals. If you aren't sure, just look at our virtual zoo(m). We were missing several dogs, a few cats, and Jack's gecko but our animal representation was still pretty strong. I'd also like to thank the other staff members who joined our Zoom Bingo game and made the event just a little more special. We miss seeing all of our teachers and having them join us every now and then is good for all of our souls. At one point, I think we had upwards of 25 people playing 'Elman Bingo' and I know a good time was had by all.

I continued to deliver instruction and material in a consistent manner this week. All the fourth grade teachers are pleased with our approach and believe that the kids have a real good understanding on how to proceed on a daily basis. We seem to be fielding fewer questions from the kids and there appear to be fewer hiccups in the process, I consider that a BIG WIN!

We focused on graphs, data, and stem and leaf plots in math. The kids did a good job learning about these and figuring out a stem and leaf plot, which is not intuitive. We also started to take a look at probability and likely outcomes. We will continue with probability this upcoming week and then move on to measurement and conversion (which tends to be challenging for the kids) for our next unit.

I am really pleased with the start of our reading and writing units. Our research of the Industrial Revolution is about to get a lot more focused. The kids penned their first chapter of their informational book last week, offering an overview of the Industrial Revolution. They will now focus their research on one of four subtopics, and will move towards writing chapter 2 with the emphasis on their chosen subtopic. We have participated in a lot of directed, and group research this year and now is the time for the kids to do it independently. This will give them good practice identifying important information to share with their readers. The kids will have a plethora of books and videos available to them to assist them in this process.

I know this is not how any of us wanted to conclude the year, but we will continue to play the cards dealt to us and I will do my best to keep the kids engaged and on-track. Please encourage your child to attend all expected Zoom meetings, to carefully process all the instructions on the morning slide-show and to ask questions if they don't understand something, to work to the best of their ability on all assignments, and to get fresh air throughout their day. Working together, which I remind you was a theme of mine at curriculum night back when the world was spinning on its proper axis, we can make the end of the school year one that is unforgettable for our kids (given the circumstances that should not be too hard :-)).

Please stay safe and healthy and do your best to keep your immediate and extended family the same!