Welcome to Hall High School Cross Country & Track and Field

At Hall High School our goal is to bring together 9th-12th grade boys and give them not just an after school activity, but a second family filled with life long friendships and memories made. Being a Hall XCTF athlete means so much more than simply being a member of a school sports team, but rather giving boys an outlet to express themselves and truly contribute to something bigger as a team.

Sign Up Today: https://hall.whps.org/athletics 

Team Athletic.Net Link :https://www.athletic.net/team/14893/track-and-field-outdoor/2024 

Team Mission Statement: 

At Hall High School, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and enjoyable athletic community. Beyond simply providing an after-school activity, we are committed to cultivating a second family where friendships flourish and memories are cherished. As Hall Cross Country or Track and Field athletes, we support one another and push each other to our limits. Being 9-time state champions, marking 2 generations of high school athletes. We strive to create a culture of excellence in athletics, but as we nurture a culture of triumph, we also prioritize the need to have fun and mess around. Our dedication to achieving success is matched by our commitment to fostering a lively and inclusive atmosphere, ensuring that every athlete experiences a sense of value and support.

Our team encompasses a wide variety of athletic abilities, from nationally recognized athletes to those striving to break the 6 minutes in the mile. Regardless of athletic prowess, every athlete motivates one another to excel in their event and to embrace the spirit of the team. We provide an inclusive environment that fosters self-expression and empowers each individual to contribute meaningfully to our success. Through dedication, teamwork, and resilience, we aim to instill values that extend far beyond the track, preparing our athletes for a lifetime of leadership and community engagement. Go Hall!

Meet the Coaches:

Coach Billing

Email: jeff_billing@whps.org

Coach Bio:  Coach Billing, the current head coach of the team, grew up in Mystic, Connecticut where he attended Fitch High School. His family was always full of runners and his uncle even won the Boston marathon so naturally, Coach Billing has been involved with running since a very young age. In high school, he often led off his school’s 4x800 relay team, even making it to the New Englands meet one time and breaking the Fitch High School record in the process. After high school, Coach Billing attended MIT for 5 years. A few more years later, Coach Billing is now a math and computer science teacher at Hall. He has two children named Brock, 1 year old, and Kai, 6 years old, who he occasionally brings to practice to have some fun with everyone. Coach Billing has and likely will continue to coach many different groups. He has coached distance runners, sprinters, and he is currently working with jumpers, though he often helps out the other groups. When asked about his proudest moments as a coach, he listed off a couple notable achievements of Hall XCTF, including winning the 2022 Cross Country New England championships and consistently having very large teams (usually around 150 for cross country and 180 for track). However, he explained that his favorite thing about coaching was seeing how athletes grow throughout their time with Hall XCTF, clarifying that this doesn’t just include athletic progress, but also as overall people. This growth stems from something that Coach Billing felt was special about Hall XCTF: the coaching staff. While it is very difficult to truly acknowledge how amazing our coaches are, Coach Billing summed it up pretty well: “They [thee coaching staff] are so dedicated, they’re so knowledgeable, they love it so much, they put in so much time, they are so selfless, they love the kids”. The culture that the coaches create trickles down to our captains and to everyone else, making us the hardworking, motivated, goofy team that we are. 

Coach Sampietro

Coach Bio:

Coach Lage

Coach Bio:

Coach Hackett

Coach Bio:

Coach Martindale

Coach Bio