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    • WE know time and collaboration among colleagues are essential in our work environment. To help better manage this, we rolled out Google Drive and Apps this year for our staff. Google Drive and Apps provide secure unlimited storage for your files, which you can access from any device at any time. They also allow for collaboration with your colleagues by just one click of the Share button. No longer will you have to waste time with attaching files, having others preview them, make changes, send it back, etc.

    • The final piece is now here…Gmail. Gmail is more than just email….it’s email, text and voice chat, one-on-one video conferencing. It’s mobility at its best, accessible from any browser, tablet, or smartphone, both on and offline. Gmail is user friendly, offers fantastic organization and management aspects, and allows for collaboration without having to open a new tab. WE found a better way to communicate, and that is Gmail.