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Post date: Sep 2, 2019 1:56:05 PM

Dear Future Honors Pre-Calculus Students,

First off, I just want to say that being in Mr. Bain’s class is honestly a ride. He’s not only a great teacher but a hilarious person and as helpful as can be. Some days, he might be crazier than usual, but that makes Mr. Bain--well, Mr. Bain.

Mr. Bain is one of the few teachers at North that allows you to use your notes on tests, so take really good notes. My notes were a lifeline of mine throughout the year and he had some helpful tips throughout the lessons that he brought to light that normally another math teacher would not even mention. He also allows you to retake quizzes. Say you didn’t do your best on one of the quizzes and you wanted to retake them, all you had to do was come up to his room one morning and get a quick mini-lesson to refine or tune out any misconceptions you had. This is something I personally did a couple of times throughout the year and it helped me a ton, I only wish I could’ve utilized it more than I did. Take advantage of what he gives you because he is here for a reason. Also, if you prefer to use your own calculator instead of the TI-Inspires, don’t worry, Mr. Bain will help you and teach you how to do the same function on your calculator or some other way to get the job done. JUST DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK QUESTIONS!

Now, Mr. Bain has some quirks. He is a HUGE fan of anything The Office/Parks and Rec/Brooklynn-9-9 and if you have the same interest in those as he does, he might throw some trivia questions about any of those shows before class gets started. He also doesn’t like if you bring food into his class unless you offer him some of course. So, unless you want to share your food, I suggest don’t bring it to eat in his class. He doesn’t appreciate smelly food either, and if one of the teachers microwave fish for lunch and he gets a whiff, he is gonna rant (trust me, I know from experience). I’m warning you now if you think I’m kidding then you have another thing coming, my friend.

Mr. Bain is one awesome teacher to have and you’re lucky to have him, his class will for sure brighten up your day. Even if math isn’t your favorite thing, his mere personality is what motivates you in his class. I wish you all the best of luck, you’re gonna need it!