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Post date: Sep 2, 2019 2:00:27 PM

Dear future students of Mr. Bain,

Congratulations! You’ve been lucky enough to be chosen to spend a year with probably one of the best math teachers at North. Mr. Bain will teach you a lot this year, and will do alot for you, but the reason I’m writing to you is to teach you some stuff that you should know prior to this class. Hide your food. Unless you intend on sharing it with Mr. Bain, or getting roped into bringing more for him the next day, hide it!! Have an understanding of the following TV shows: Parks & Rec, The Office, and Brooklyn 99. He might ask questions and quiz you on these for potential prizes at the end of the year..don’t fail your class. If you have Mr. Bain for first period, be prepared for his edition of the Almas Mater every Friday morning in home room. Don’t be scared to join in either, it's actually really fun and it could benefit you and your class. Mr. Bain is really generous with using your notes on the tests, but don’t make him mad because there is a chance your notes will be taken away for the upcoming test. Don’t tamper with Mr. Bain’s music, my class learned the hard way. Just let it play! And finally, have fun! Enjoy the whacky conversations you’ll have. Trust me it's always something new everyday whether it’s about barbeque sauce or how much Mr. Bain hates English, it’ll always make your day better. So have fun, study hard, and enjoy high school. This time only comes once in your life!

(P.S. Don't bring up Goldie the Gopher!)