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Post date: Sep 2, 2019 2:14:36 PM

Dear Future Students,

Welcome to the class of Mr. Bain! You have probably heard a lot about this class, and it may seem quite intimidating at first, but once get used to it, you will become accustomed to Mr. Bain’s teaching and the class itself. After a while, the class will seem manageable, and even fun, as long as you keep a few things in mind.

To begin, when taking notes, make sure you pay attention and write everything down. Mr. Bain often says significant things pertaining to a lesson that aren’t specifically written in his presentation on the board. While he does include important notes that you should remember, when doing practice problems, it is helpful to include in your notes detailed steps describing how to answer a question. Additionally, if you miss class on a day when notes are being taken, make sure to go to Mr. Bain’s website in order to write down the notes for that day. It is important to confirm that you have your completed notes on test days, because if Mr. Bain allows it, you will be able to use your notebook and problem sets to help you during the tests. Also, remember to be respectful, especially during note taking, as he can and will take this privilege away if you are on your phone or talking while he is teaching.

Next, always turn in your homework when it is due and verify that you know the topic well. When problem sets are given out, Mr. Bain is often understanding and does not give an enormous amount of problems to do. He also generously builds in time to the class schedule in order to give days to work on the homework and reviews in class. Make sure to use this time wisely, as you can often finish a problem set in one class period so you will not have to attend to it at home. If you do have to finish the homework on your own time, however, remember to keep up with the schedule and turn it in on time. Mr. Bain will accept the homework early, but late homework is not allowed. Also, asking Mr. Bain questions and checking your answers on his website are good ideas in order to confirm that you understand the material thoroughly. This will not only help you on the tests, but will also aid you in the long run for future math classes you may take.

Finally, have fun in the class and make sure to hide your food! Mr. Bain will joke a lot during the class and will often say things that may offend you (especially if you are from Florida), so don’t take him too seriously. He will say “8675309” a million times throughout the year, and you will frequently hear him sing songs from before you were born, many of which you will not know. Also, he is an Office, Parks and Rec, and Brooklyn Nine Nine fanatic, so during class you will often hear references to these shows. If he decides to continue his game the year you are in his class, make sure you know your trivia from these shows! Furthermore, if you do not have a lunch period or you plan to eat during his class, make sure he does not like the food you bring, because he will take it and eat it if he likes it. If you plan to bring donuts or cupcakes to his class and not share with him, good luck (Hint: It is probably a better idea to save your food for another time). Anyway, despite these unusual characteristics, overall Mr. Bain is a light-hearted and respectful teacher, as long as you are the same to him.

In conclusion, although Mr. Bain’s class may seem overwhelming at first, once you get used to it, you will learn a lot and have a great time. Remember to participate in class during trivia and not to be too offended by his jokes. If you pay attention, write detailed notes, and take his class seriously, you will be on your way to succeeding in this class. Have a great year, and good luck!