
Clinicoradiographical Features of Jaw Bone Lesions in a Group of Patients Attended Two Maxillofacial Centers in Sulaimani City

Renaz S. Salih*, Balkees T. Garib**

*Kurdistan Board for Medical Specialties, Sulaimani, Iraq.

**Department of Oral Diagnosis, College of Dentistry, Sulaimani University, Sulaimani, Iraq.

Submitted: 01/12/2019; Accepted: 05/07/2020; Published 01/12/2020



Objective: This study aims to determine the distribution, clinical and radiographic features of different jaw lesions.          

Methods: A descriptive study included 110 cases of jaw bone lesions collected along seven years from two major maxillofacial centers in Sulaimani governorate-Iraq.

Results: The sample predominated by males (59.1%), male to female ratio of 1.4:1., the most affected age group 21-40 years (40.9%), the most common presenting sign was swelling (74.5%) besides, the swelling was the most common chief complain (with pain 30%; or without pain 59.1%). Systemic symptoms like fever and weight loss were present in only four patients (3.6%). One-third of cases (33.6%) presented for the 2-12months duration. The mandible was affected in 56.4% of cases. Regarding the radiographic features, 80% of lesions were ≤5cm in maximum dimension, 69.1% of the lesions were radiolucent. Ill or well-defined borders were equally presented (47.3%). 39.9% of lesions related to the teeth (root apices, impactions, displacement, and resorption). Concerning the diagnosis, 48.2% of the lesions were diagnosed as a cyst, followed by tumors 29.1%. 

Conclusions: Jaw lesions of different origins can share the same clinical and radiographic features; dental professionals should have information about the most common lesions to guide them toward proper investigations and management.


Keywords: Cyst, Jaw bone, Lesions, Non-odontogenic, Odontogenic.                                                                                                                                                                                             Full Article - PDF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   



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