Saving and Investing in Your Future

Money can grow but, as the old adage says, it doesn't grow on trees.

But I'm young, you say, so why should I care about investing and worry about the future? Because while you are busy going to college, planning for your first job and beginning your life as a young adult, life marches forward and before you know it, the future will be upon you.

So be prepared and make a plan to begin saving. Don't be overwhelmed with the goal of saving a lot of money and allow that to deter you from taking action. Start small.

It's a good idea to consider both saving and investing. Saving is putting money aside for short-term goals in a typically safe and secure investment vehicle such as a savings account or money market fund. It typically earns a small amount of interest but offers easy access to the money as it is needed.

Investing is for longer-term goals and is typically placed in longer-term investments with no guarantee of growth but the risk for better long-term gains or profits. Consider he risks and rewards of different types of savings plans as you begin. Whether you choose conservative, aggressive or a mix of the two will depend on the goals you have set yourself and the purpose of the investment. Shop around for the best rates on accounts to give you the most opportunity to earn interest that will compound.

Examples of income investments include savings accounts, bonds, certificates of deposit (CDs) and money-market funds. Growth investments for the long term include stocks, real estate, collectibles and mutual funds. Diversifying your investments into a combination of safe and risky is key to getting the most from your money while reducing the impact of fluctuation if an investment drops in value.

Interest is a magical thing that allows your savings to build and grow. As your account compounds, interest is paid on accumulated interest, building your next egg. Above is an example of a student who has invested $2,000 per year. This example shows how much she will have by age 65.

The secret to saving and investing is to start! Find the savings vehicle that is right for you and make the decision to begin. Take a look below at how Maya has invested in her future: