Other Libraries

When it comes to these guys, we just can't compete.  Below you will find some great links that we hope might help you out, make you more knowledgeable in an area, or just help you pass the time.

Library of Congress

You can find all sorts of information on the LOC website, here are some quick links to get you started.



Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sounds - Collections of audio and visual recordings.

Prints and Photography - Digital images of collections of photographs.

Manuals Library

An online repository of manuals for (nearly) everything, all in .pdf format.

National Library of Medicine

The National Library of Medicine is a specialty library that is dedicated to all things biomedical.  The site is free.

ClinicalTrials.gov - A registry and results database of public and private clinical studies with human participants.

MedlinePlus Health Topics - A registry of over 1,000 diseases with causes, preventions and treatments.

Digital Collections - Free online repository of resources including books, images, and videos. All content in Digital Collections is available worldwide and (unless otherwise indicated), in the public domain.