Support Throughout Your Program

Completion of your Thesis or passing your Capstone course is your last academic step prior to earning your degree. You'll need a wide variety of resources to prepare you for success!


PS598: Master's Capstone in Psychology provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate and apply the skills and knowledge accumulated throughout your program. You will develop a research proposal related to current topics and challenges in the field of psychology, thus demonstrating mastery of program outcomes. Your proposal will include a literature review, a testable hypothesis, and an empirical method for testing the hypothesis. 


The thesis track contains two thesis development courses and extends the program by at least one term.  This track is best suited for students who wish to add to the body of professional knowledge in their chosen field of psychology or who intend to pursue a postgraduate doctoral degree. 

PS601: Master's Research and Thesis I (+PS601A if needed) provides the student with the tools needed to develop and submit a formal proposal for research relevant to the psychology graduate curriculum and the student's chosen area of study.

The goal of PS602: Master's Research and Thesis II (+PS602A if needed) is the completion of the Master of Science in Psychology thesis. You will complete your research, submit the completed thesis to your committee members for review, and orally present your statement of the problem, research design and methods, findings, conclusions, and recommendations during a scheduled thesis defense hearing. The thesis shall be prepared according to APA guidelines and according to University guidelines. The final, approved product shall be submitted to appropriate personnel for binding and acquisition. If appropriate, the thesis must conform to the standards and procedures of the University's Institutional Review Board (IRB). 

NOTE: Thesis courses are only offered on the C-Track Calendar. If you are on the A- or B-Track Calendar, you will need to change to C-Track prior to the thesis courses.

Capstone or Thesis?