APA Resources

American Psychological Association

APA is a scientific and professional organization for the study and promotion of Psychology. Student affiliate membership is available. Click here for more information.

American Psychological Association of Graduate Students

APAGS provides graduate level information, training, and opportunities to graduate students who are student affiliates of APA.

    • APA Division 1: General Psychology: This division of the American Psychological Association explores the many different areas in the field of psychology on a broader scope or level. Division 1 welcomes membership from academic scientists, professional practitioners, and psychologists whose main concern is the public interest.
    • Division 5: Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics: This division of the American Psychological Association is concerned with providing accurate and reliable ways to evaluate, measure, and describe subjects using appropriate tests and statistics. There are three different branches of this division, namely: a) assessment; b) qualitative methods; and c) evaluation, measurement, and statistics.
    • Division 7: Developmental Psychology: This division of the American Psychological Association promotes the exploration and application of research in the field of developmental psychology to areas such as education, growth, child care, health, and other relevant issues.
    • Division 40: Clinical Neuropsychology: This division of the American Psychological Association focuses on how to both study and measure activity within the brain and apply these findings to promote effective human behaviors and heal from brain injuries.