
    • Society for Human Resource Management The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest HR membership organization devoted to human resource management. Purdue Global has a SHRM student organization (#5628) that Graduate Psychology Industrial-Organizational students can join. Contact Kimberly Walters, Ph.D. for information on joining the KU SHRM student organization
      • To join SHRM as a Student Member, click here.
      • For career information in HR from SHRM, click here
    • International Association of Business and Management Professionals IABMP is a professional association of business and management practitioners around the world
    • The Organizational Development Network The Organization Development Network is an international, professional association whose members are committed to practicing organization development intentionally and rigorously as an applied behavioral science. Student membership is available.
        • To read about OD Network’s Student Engagement Initiatives. Click here.
        • To read about the OD Network Student Research Colloquium Click here.
    • Society for Organizational Learning The purpose of SOL is to discover, integrate and implement theories and practices for the interdependent development of people and their institutions.
    • International Organizational Development Association IODA is an international association for organizational development (OD) professionals and students. Through IODA, students can learn how OD is practiced in different countries, understand best practices, and gain knowledge in how to design and facilitate change in organizations.
    • American Society for Training and Development ATD’s higher education community is one in which students are able to collaborate with professionals with the goal to develop a stronger workforce.
    • Students Association for Talent Development ATD has the goal to provide future training and development for students. Through content, scholarships, and services, ATD provides opportunities for students.