Physical Education

Injured? Check out Physical Therapy Video on YouTube - these guys are amazing!

  • I've had several injuries which have been fully corrected through the physicaltherapyvideo channel on YouTube.

Would you like help designing a personalized workout plan? If so, let me know and we can get you working towards a specialized goal!

Short on time - this 1 minute exercise is equal to 45 minutes of jogging or biking!

Health and Wellness

The Dangers of Sitting

The Best Thing to do for your Brain - EXERCISE!

How the food you eat affects your brain

10 Negative Effects of Sugar

Take the sugar challenge! Challenge yourself to avoid sugary foods for 4 days. Research has shown that you stop craving sugar after 3 days. You may find that your skin clears up, you have more energy, and your overall mood improves!


Tips to Reduce Stress

37 Cardio Workout