BLOoket and Gimkit APhug Review

Hello, fellow APHuG Students! Need to practice that tough vocabulary or just memorize those models? Well, you have found yourself in the right place! This is the hub for the sets us 23-24 students who used to smash the tests and pass the class. Play solo or with a group and strive for first! Also, linked below is a form, you can place your personal best for sets regarding score, time, accuracy, and other characteristics to determine who is the best out of the years in this class. Gimkit Sets have Purple Font and Blooket sets have Blue Font.

Disclaimer: A majority of these sets were not created by me, they may include material not learned in class, and sometimes an error or two. Take this with grace, this is for fun, and even if this material you have not learned in class, it still revolves around the importance of the topic and can help you overall. Similarly, in order to access these sets, you must either use your personal account (Logging in with Google) or create an account using your school gmail (which I am unsure how to do, sadly). Overall though, have fun and make sure to ace those nasty tests!

Unit 6 - Cities and Urban Land-Use

(Jordan Del Bosque) Mr. Siftar Unit 6 Urban Geography (Blooket)

U6 Vocab AP HG (Blooket)

For Gimkit: (We didn’t use any for year 23-24 - feel free to find your own! θ^θ)