Unit I - Thinking Geographically

This is an awesome class with tons of incredibly interesting components.  Below is just a sliver of the topics we will cover this year!

Additionally, you will understand how the world operates on a different perspective.  You will soon see how everything goes back to Geography, and by the end of this course, you will be able to explain how Geography impacts EVERYTHING in the news and throughout history.

Thinking Geographically 

(8-10% of the AP Exam will be over Unit 1 material)

Unit 1 - APHumanGeography...rspectivesPowerpoint.pptx


Geography as a Field of Inquiry

Key geographical skills

New geographic technologies, such as GIS, remote sensing, and GPS

Sources of geographical ideas and data: the field, census data, and satellite imagery


Key concepts underlying the geographical perspective: location, space, place, scale, pattern, regionalization, and globalization

Evolution of key geographical concepts and models associated with notable geographers

Student Learning Objective Pretest

What if Ancient Greeks had GIS?

Here Be Dragons!


Read Key Issue #3 before listening to the radio broadcast below:

Types of diffusion:

The American cowboy is being exported to Russia.

What type of diffusion is this?  Be sure to think about why it falls into one type of diffusion in particular.




Why all world maps are wrong



What Does Earth Look Like?


Gall-Peters Projection

Why We Need To Teach Geography?

42 Amazing Maps

What is Geo-Literacy?

So What Can You Do with a Geography

How the World Map Looks Wildly Different Than You Think

How Earth Would Look If All The Ice Melted

Can You Answer These 3 Geography Questions? 

Brits Fail to Label a Map of Europe 

                                                                                                          Geography: What is it for ?