Unit V - Agriculture & Rural Land-Use 

(12-17%  of the AP Exam will be over Unit 5 material)

Textbook Breakdown


Where did Agriculture Originate

1. Introducing Food and Agriculture

2. Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture

Very cool infographic relating to land usage in the US. 

Farmer Style (Gangnam Style Spoof)


Take note of the the feeding portion - this is commercial agriculture in action!

Agricultural Revolution - Crash Course World History #1

 Below is a great breakdown of the chapter.  It is a must-watch video.

Types of Farming

END OF 5.1

5.2 - Why do people consume different foods?

Major agricultural production regions

1. Diet and nutrition

2. Source of nutrients

3. Linkages and flows among regions of food production and consumption

Agricultural Regions

How Does a Potato Grow?

Planning for a Sustainable Local Food System

Is America Facing a Farming Crisis?

Think of this video as a precursor to Unit VI (Economic Geography).  It ties together this unit and the economy.  

Lecture Relating to Food

 Take a fun quiz on where foods come from:

Jamie Oliver Shows What Chicken Nuggets Are Made Of

What is Organic Food

Farming Life Episode 61: The First Lamb

This video portrays farming from the perspective of a young farmer (your age) living and working in the UK.  This also relates well to our specific area.  

END OF 5.2


Where is Agriculture Distributed?

1. Agricultural regions and climate

2. Subsistence agriculture in dry regions

3. Subsistence agriculture in tropical regions

4. Subsistence agriculture in population concentrations

5. Fishing

6. Commercial agriculture: crop-based

7. Commercial agriculture: mixed crop and livestock

8. Commercial agriculture: Animal-based

HuGeo - von Thünen Model

 For all of the Minecraft fans out there (von Thunen creation):

Great Breakdown of this Key Issue

A 9 minute von Thunen explanation 

END OF 5.3

5.4 - Why do farmers face sustainability challenges?

1. Losing agricultural land

2. Improving agricultural productivity

3. Conserving agricultural resources

4. Applying Biotechnology to agriculture (Green Revolution)

5. Global food trade

6. Global agriculture and undernourishment

7. Sustainable agriculture

What are your thoughts on this?  

Saudi Hay Farm In Arizona Tests State's Supply Of Groundwater

Is this sustainable?  Why or why not?  

Growing Today for Tomorrow

Considering the True Costs of Raising Pigs

Farmers Feed the World (Uptown Funk Parody)

Chipotle - Back to the Start

Chipotle Commercial (in the YouTube video above) - can this romanticized form of agriculture feed the world?  Here is what agribusiness thinks of Chipotle: "Why agriculture hates Chipotle".

Here's another Chipotle commercial related to rice and its production (sponsored and endorsed by Chipotle)

And another... (Scarecrow)

Geographer's insight:

This video (and earlier videos in the same vein) is extremely risky business.  These videos perfectly encapsulates the beliefs, values and ethics that underscore the organic farming movement and resonate with consumers.  This is a key part of Chipotle's advertising campaign, food with integrity.  Many within the agricultural industry are not amused, and as a group they are Chipotle's suppliers.  “In general, this romanticized view of agriculture is not going to be able to feed the world,” said Tom Super who is the spokesman for the National Chicken Council.  Many in the industry think that Chipotle pushing its values on consumers.  See this article for more on the tension between Chipotle and agricultural suppliers.

And one more... (A Love Story)

OK, last one for Chipotle... (Ingredients Reign)

Questions to ponder:  Do you think Chipotle's model for farming is reality?  If so, do you think it is sustainable?  

Now, check out this Washington Post article: "Smarter Food: Does big farming mean bad farming?"

Ending Hunger Now

Feeding our Hungry Planet

Feeding the Whole World

How Does It Grow - Garlic - Think about what goes into growing a staple crop.  Garlic is linked to big agribusiness, it's linked to diffusion..... What other APHG concepts are apparent in this video?

"Who Is Monsanto?" - Monsanto Makes a Case For Why They are Needed

Sketch Comedy Group - Portlandia - A Spoof on Agricultural Standards

The Futuristic Farms That Will Feed the World | Freethink | Future of Food

END OF 5.4


Why the Future of Farming is in Cities - The Big Money in Vertical Farming

How Holland Became The Most Efficient in the Agricultural Field

How Cotton Processing in Factory, Cotton Cultivation

Sustainable forestry

Great videos

 Geographer's insight:

There has been a revitalization in urban gardening as many city dwellers feel disconnected from their food systems; urban gardening is a way for people to actively control what they are ingesting into their systems many fear some of the modern agricultural methods.  Based in Milwaukee, WI, Growing Power has created an interesting combination of vegetable gardening and aquaponics for the urban environment.


American agriculture in 1922

 Geographer's insight:

The economies of scale that globalization depends on, relies on logistics and transportation networks that can handle this high-volume.  In a word, the container, as mundane as it may seem, facilitated the era within which we live today.  This is a very useful video.

Food by Numbers: Feeding our Hungry Planet

Coop - The Organic Effect  (Mr. Siftar's disclaimer: this is an advertisement from a company supporting organic food)


Check out this site.  It breaks down gas prices across the U.S.

Tascosa Feedyard, Detail

Why Eating Insects Makes Sense (2:09 Minute Video)

What the World Eats

Can you guess where this family is from?

We've looked at various families' diets previously, but this link is a updated and has some interesting images.  It's worth the look!

Hog Farms Make Residents Prisoners in Their Own Homes

The Green Revolution: Waging a War Against Hunger

How El Niño Affects Commodity Prices

Office of Food For Peace: Celebrating More than 60 Years of Help and Hope

Farmers Fight - Stand Up

The Luckiest Nut in the World

UNGA 2011 - Women & Agriculture

Coffee: The Greatest Addiction Ever

Dan Barber: How I Fell in Love with a Fish: TED TALKS

How Israel became the most advanced country in agriculture

Don't Bug Out - Challenging Food Taboos - Lucy Freeman & Jirina Fargeorge

How Big a Backyard Would You Need to Live Off the Land? | Geography Education | Scoop.it

Closing the Gap between Men and Women in Agriculture

Women are the backbone of the subsistence world.  How would we create equality between the sexes? 

Congratulations!  You made it to the end of this page!  Listen to this 9 minute podcast for extra credit!

Venezuela Crisis (Starvation and Economic Impact of Hyperinflation)