Outdoor Experiential Education

2016 Educators Rising Presentation

Multidisciplinary Outdoor Experiential Education

Outdoor Education Presentation FINAL.ppt

Environmental Outlook: New Reasons To Get Kids Outdoors

Diane Rehm Show (NPR) - April 6, 2016 - A Case To Get Kids Outdoors

Emma Marris: How Do We Embrace All Kinds Of Nature?

How Could the Outdoor Experiential Education Project Could be Implemented?

Why would it be beneficial?

Outdoor Experiential Education Final Draft.docx

How could Outdoor Education be implemented?

Hinterbrand Revisited

(Student-created promotional video outlining the power of Outdoor Experiential Education)

Inspired? Join the Movement!

Use the sample letter below to contact your Congressional Representatives

Democracy in Action!

Letter to the Senator - Template.docx

Links, Books, & More Information for Fighting "Nature Deficit Disorder"