Unit VI - Cities and Urban Land-Use 

(12-17%  of the AP Exam will be over Unit 6 material)

AP Human Geography: Unit 6 - Cities and Urban Land-Use


Definitions and urbanization

Unit VI Broken Down

!APHG - Chapter 12 & 13 -...- UPDATED FOR WEBSITE.ppt


Origin and evolution of cities

1. Historical patterns of urbanization

2. Rural-urban migration and urban growth

3. Global cities and megacities

4. Models of urban cities

Required Viewing: "New Urbanism"

Article after viewing video above: Dynamic Communities: The New American Suburb (Washington Post May 2017)

Be sure to click on the interactive portions included in the article above.

Urban Geography:  Why Do We Live Where We Do?

Birth of Cities - How did Cities emerge?  Why do cities exist?

Unit 6 - Urbanization & Cities 

Cage Homes - Hong Kong - This is Crazy, But Not For Lack of Space (It's Urban Planning)

People live in the space of a US parking space.  Could you do this?

Urban Life - A Short Film 

Slice of Urban Life 


Functional character of contemporary cities

1. Changing employment mix

2. Changing demographics and social structures


Built environment and social space

1. Comparative models of internal city structure

2. Transportation and infrastructure

3. Political organization of urban areas

4. Urban planning and design

5. Patterns of race, ethnicity, gender, and class

6. Uneven development, gentrification, and ghettoization

7. Impacts of suburbanization and edge cities

Slide 36 - Contains Optional Urban Planning Project Specifics

!APHG - Day 56 - Chapter ... Game - Design a City.ppt

City planning in action - there are secrets in cities everywhere.  What starts out as ordinary suddenly becomes very interesting.  Check out the video above!

Transportation and Planning

Bus bike ped in same street
walking illustration

Unit VI - Cities & Urban Development

Urbanization and the Future of Cities

400 Years of Territorial Development

Air Project

AIR Project

Air - London

Next time your flying over an urban area in a window seat, check out the urban planning (infrastructure and organization)

Listen to this broadcast from NPR (hint: you may see this on a future test) - Urban Utopia



Kevin Lynch, Image of the City

paths, the streets, sidewalks, trails, and other channels in which people travel;

edges, perceived boundaries such as walls, buildings, and shorelines;

districts, relatively large sections of the city distinguished by some identity or character;

nodes, focal points, intersections or loci;

landmarks, readily identifiable objects which serve as external reference points."imageability

Urban Hierarchy

Geospatial Revolution



1. Concentric Zone Model

2. Sector Model

3. Multi Nuclei Model

4. Latin American City Model

Urban Geography Models

The "Shadow Cities of the Future"


City Beautiful Movement

Defensive cities - walled cities

Crime free or crime reduced communities, Gated communities or CPTED

Grand Manner Cities (Washington, Brasilia, Canberra)

Radburn Plan

Garden City

Vertical City, Sky City 2000 and others

Victory City

Venus Project

Broadacre City, Designing with Nature

Sustainable Community

Underwater City

Floating Cities (http://www.freedonship.com/)

Fly in Community

Golf Course Communities

Squatters on the Skyline

Metropolitan Revolution


Practice Urban Models


Every City, Every Block


Urban Geography in a Nutshell

Urban Geography - Video Lecture - Part I

APHG Notes - Chapter 13 - Urban Patterns

World Cropland

Supplemental Readings:

Primary Documents:

Poverty Line

5 Key Themes Emerging from the "New Science of Cities"

Why Kids Don't Go Outside Anymore

Dhaka - The Fastest Growing Megacity in the World - Part I

Dhaka - The Fastest Growing Megacity in the World - Part II

Dhaka - The Fastest Growing Megacity in the World - Part III

Dhaka - The Fastest Growing Megacity in the World - Part IV

Dhaka - The Fastest Growing Megacity in the World - Part V

60 Minutes - China's Ghost Cities

Urban Land Use Models

60 Minutes - China's Real Estate Bubble

Urbanization and Megacities - Jakarta

Brazil's Future: Olympics, World Cup, and 30 Billion Dollars

Will Brazil Be Ready?

Making Sense of Maps

 Tiny Capital

Can you guess the city?

 Flexible Urban Planning

Gentrification in Providence | Geography Education | Scoop.it

The Ever-Expanding Slums - Where are the World's Worst Slums

Urban Planning Models: Concentric Zone Model | Sector Model | Multi - Nuclei Model

Urban Density and Land Use Patterns [AP Human Geography Unit 6 Topic 6]

What is a slum?  Why do so many live in slums?  Which slums are the worst?

Student Project Presentations

Key Issue 13.2 & 13.3 (First half of 13.3)

Copy of 13.2 and 13.3

 Last half of Key Issue 13.3 & All of 13.4

Copy of Key Issue 3 and 4 True Presentation

Africa's Mega-City: Future Megaprojects

Discussion involving Political Geography, squatter settlements, population pyramids, and more!