Unit IV - Political Patterns & Processes

(12-17%  of the AP Exam will be over Unit 4 material)

Unit 4 - Political Geography.pptx

Europe's mythical holiday beast is once again on the prowl, but beware, he’s making his way across the Atlantic.

Geography Now! Belgium (Interesting Borders)

Inside North Korea - National Geographic

Answer the 11 questions to the right that relate to this video.

Awesome article about Europe's Evil Twist on Christmas - click here (Smithsoanian Magazine)!

Questions to Ponder: So what kind of cultural diffusion is this? 

Expansion diffusion, contagious diffusion, stimulus diffusion or hierarchical diffusion?  Why so?

Is this more as a pop culture phenomenon or a revitalization of a folk cultural tradition?  How come?

Summarize this video - keep the summary linked to concepts and issues related to political geography.

What Geo-Card vocab words were used?

Pay close attention to the border portion of this video.  How might this complicate relations?

How Does the United Nations Work?



 Think enclaves, 2nd order enclaves, exclaves and many other key APHG terms.

This video covers tons of political geography.  Think about how a government might try to erase a competing culture and/or way of life.  Do you think China will be successful.

 What concepts does this video touch upon?  Think of the complexities and nuances of international cooperation when it comes to potential resources.  This video has massive implication when we begin Unit VI (Economic Geography).


Another video on how the UN works.

Ask Alabama: Why does Alabama have a little chunk of coastal land?

 The Most Complex International Borders in the World 

 China is Erasing its Border with Hong Kong

Who Owns the North Pole?

 How New Countries Gain Independence

Geographer Insight:  This interactive mapping activity is an excellent tool to understand the idea of redistricting in general and gerrymandering to be more specific.  The creation of a new congressional district, or the loss of an old one, affects every district around it, necessitating new maps. Even states not adding or losing congressional representatives need new district maps that reflect the population shifts within their borders, so that residents are equally repre­sented no matter where they live. This ritual carving and paring of the United States into 435 sovereign units, known as redistricting, was intended by the Framers solely to keep democracy’s electoral scales balanced. Instead, redistricting today has become a part of the political game—a way for elected leaders to entrench themselves in 435 impregnable garrisons from which they can maintain political power while avoiding demographic realities.  And how is gerrymandering a part of the previous (and always looming) shutdown?

Below this image is a video spoof requesting North Carolinians to vote for Jerry Mandering.  Definitely worth checking out!

This video succinctly explains the Gerrymandering practice and how it changes our political landscape. 

Vote Gerry Mandering is a spoof.  Does Gerry Mandering bring up some good points?  

Explaining Gerrymandering with a Pizza

Gerrymandering: How Drawing Jagged Lines Can Impact an Election

 How Many Countries Are There?





Why do you think this is done?  Do you think this acts as a centrifugal force or a centripetal force?  It is clearly 1 over the other.  Why?

 Holland vs. The Netherlands

 Israeli Palestinian Conflict Explained: An Animated Introduction

 India-Pakistan Border Ceremony

India & Pakistan Reunited

Here's How Google Maps is Different in Other Countries

Why Google Maps is Different Depending on your Location

Unique Borders You MUst See Before You Die

How the borders of the United States came to be 

Nonverbal Communication Barriers 

How borders came to be

Countries in the United Nations 


The tiny island in New York City that nobody is allowed to visit 

Every Country in the World (Part 1)

Every Country in the World (Part 2)

Crisis Guide: Iran

This site has several well done videos explaining the complexities of Iran and its path in the international community.

Welcome to South Sudan

South Sudan: The World’s Newest Country | Geography Education | Scoop.it

How to Build a Country from Scratch (South Sudan)

Belgians Divided by Language Barrier


Refugees by Numbers 2015

#childrenofsyria Infographic

Refugees by Numbers 2016

#childrenofsyria II Infographic

The Impact of Religion on Politics

Crash Course U.S. Government and Politics

Crash Course Government and Politics