Unit II - Population & Migration

(12-17%  of the AP Exam will be over Unit 2 material)

If the World Were 100 People

Population growth and decline over time and space

Population movement

Total Fertility Rate: Worldwide

TFR 2010-2015 World Map
TFR 1950-1955 World Map
TFR 1950-2015 World Maps
Gabon Fertility Graph


7 Billion and Counting

Waves of Humanity

Sprawling Mexico City rolls across the landscape, displacing every scrap of natural habitat


Industrial livestock production in Brazil

South City Mall in Kolkata, India

Consumer culture spreads to the global south 

‘In the developing world, the problem of population is seen less as a matter of human numbers than of western over-consumption. Yet within the development community, the only solution to the problems of the developing world is to export the same unsustainable economic model fuelling the overconsumption of the West.’

Trash wave

Indonesian surfer Dede Surinaya catches a wave in a remote but garbage-covered bay on Java, Indonesia, the world’s most populated island

Rectangular Fields

No room for nature, the entire landscape is devoted to crop production in China

Cows and Smoke

Ground zero in the war on nature – cattle graze among the burning Amazon jungle in Brazil

Oil Wells

Depleting oil fields are yet another symptom of ecological overshoot as seen at the Kern River Oil Field in California

Dead Bird

On Midway Atoll, far from the centers of world commerce, an albatross, dead from ingesting too much plastic, decays on the beach – it is a common sight on the remote island

Hill-Side Slum

Slum-dwelling residents of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, face bleak living conditions in the western hemisphere’s poorest country

Reservoir development

Former old-growth forest leveled for reservoir development, Willamette National Forest, Oregon

Population Pyramids

Epidemiological Transition (200 Countries, 200 Years - Boiled Down to 4 Minutes)

Demographic Transition

Top 10 Immigrant Countries 

While watching, think of the following: Push and pull factors! Also, don't forget about Ravenstein's Laws!

How Hard is it to Legally Enter the United States? 

Europe's Most Fortified Border is in Africa

This quick video talks about the immigration policies of the United States.

What if Everyone Lived in Just One City? 

Human Population Growth - Crash Course Ecology

7 Billion - National Geographic Magazine

Joel Cogen: An Introduction to Demography (Are People the Problem?)

7 Billion: How Did We Get So Big So Fast?

Japan's Geographic Challenge

Harnessing the Demographic Dividend

TED Talks: How Pandemics Spread

The Miniature Earth

World Population: From Dawn to 2030

Population - Crash Course

Hans Rosling: Global Population Growth, Box By Box

Hans Rosling: Population Party Tricks

Water Changes Everything

Welcome to Anthropocene!

How Mr. Condom made Thailand a Better Place - Family Planning

Note:  Population doubling dropped from 29 years down to 140 years!  That means parents went from having 7 kids to have 1.5 kids.

China: Marriage Market Takeover

Watch how single women in China courageously by standing up against the pressure of being labelled “Sheng Nu”, or “leftover woman”.  How does this phenomena have implications for China's population and growth?


Last Week Tonight: Migrants and Refugees (Contains bleeped portions - viewer discretion advised - ask for your parent's approval before viewing)

History of Immigration in the US for Dummies

International Migration

This is Why People Migrate

Ellis Island - History of Immigration to the US (1890-1920) - Award Winning Documentary

Videographic - Migration

Map Shows How Humans Migrated Across The Globe

100 Years of Immigration to The U.S., 1919 to 2019

Where are the Syrian Refugees?  Hans Rosling is back!

Why Boat Refugees Don't Fly!  Hans Rosling again!

Global Refugee Trends: 2013 - June 2014

Lost Boys of Sudan , part one - CBS

Syrian Refugee Camps Becoming Established Cities

India - Internal Migrations

International Migration

Migration to Europe.  Why Now?  BBC News

Human Population Through Time

Population pyramids: Powerful predictors of the future - Kim Preshoff

Popultion Count 2023

Net migration rises to new record figure of 606,000

influx of migrants

Why Do People Migrate?! (Push & Pull Factors: AP Human Geo)


Unit II Vocab Quiz

Daily Show- Mexed Out

Witness Border Crossing- Link TV

Mexico: Motive to Migrate

BR Music: Immigration songs


18 People Who Really Need to Learn Geography

To be a Refugee- UNHCR

Syrian Refugees

Refugees in Call Centers

Syrian Drownings

Syrian Crisis

UK Gives Asylum 


Comparing Irish Migrants to Syrian Migrants

Worldwide Refugees

Quick Review

was interrupted mid video & by bell...

don't forget population doubling


t=Doubling time in years


(this is per 100)


Doubling Time=700/RNI (per 1,000)

Primary Documents: