Unit 8 - Clinical Psychology (12-16%)


Korea Ranks Near Bottom on Antidepressant Consumption

What ADHD Feels Like

What Having Anxiety Feels Like

What Panic Attacks Feel Like

Panic Attack on Live Television - ABC News

What Social Anxiety Feels Like

Woman's Extreme Needle Phobia

20 Phobias You Might Have

What OCD Feels Like

OCD Girl

Mass Shooting Survivor Lives with PTSD

What It Feels Like to Have PTSD

What PTSD Is Really Like

What It Is Like to Struggle with Body Dysmorphia

My Strange Addiction: Ken The Living Doll

Module 66 Review: Anxiety Disorders

Legacy Project; Module 66: Anxiety Disorders

Pica Disorder - Eating Rocks (Do not try this at home)

Pica Disorder - Drinking Paint (Do not try this at home)

Medical Mystery: Conversion Disorder (Much Watch Directly On YouTube

Teen Suffers from Mysterious Illness

Moments Only Hypochondriacs Understand

CBS This Morning: Who is Benjamin Kyle

USA Today: Meet the 6 Personalities Living In This Woman's Head

What it Feels Like to be Depressed

12 Confessions from People Who Struggle with Depression

Sadness vs. Depresison

Is it Okay to Talk About Depression

Depression Isn't Always Obvious

What It Feels Like to have Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is Like Having 2 Disorders at Once

What's it Like to have Bipolar Disorder

Disorganized Speech Schizophrenia

Delusional Perception


Schizophrenia Simulation


Anderson Cooper Tried a Schizophrenic Simulator

Psychopathic Child

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Teen Convicted of Murdering Mother with Sledgehammer

The Psychology of Narcissism

Borderline Personality Disorder

Crash Course: Psychological Disorders

Crash Course: OCD and Anxiety Disorders

Crash Course: Bipolar and Depressive Disorders

Crash Course: Trauma and Addiction

Crash Course:  Schizophrenic and Dissociative Disorders

Crash Course: Eating and Body Dysmorphic Disorders

Crash Course: Personality Disorders


DSM-V and On Being Sane - Are Psychiatric Labels Really Harmful?

What is Psychodynamic Therapy

Carl Rogers on Person-Centered Therapy

Humanistic Therapy

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 

Transference Therapy (Sopranos)

My Extreme Animal Phobia: Tough Guy Afraid of Puppy

Dr. Travis Faces His Fear of Snakes

Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for PTSD

The Simpsons Electric Shock Aversion Therapy

What to Expect From Group Therapy

EMDR Therapy Uses Eye Movements to Overcome Trauma

Can Light Therapy Help with Major Depression

 Shedding Light on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

2 Minute Neuroscience: Selective Serotonin Reuptake

How Does Adderall Work?

How Does Xanex Work?

Lithium Found to Be "Gold Standard" for Treating Bipolar Disorder

Tartive Dyskinesia

rTMS - A Depression Treatment without Medication

ECT - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

The Lobotomist - PBS America (Full Documentary Available from Mr. Siftar)

Take Your Pills Trailer - Now Available on Netflix

Zoloft Commercial

Crash Course: Getting Help - Psychotherapy

Crash Course: Biomedical Treatments

OCD & Anxiety Disorders - Crash Course #29

Evaluating Treatments of Disorders

Treatment of Psychological Disorders