Welcome Back
Post date: Sep 13, 2016 6:26:45 PM
Good afternoon all,
We are a few weeks into school and all is going well. We are looking forward to Chalktoberfest on Thursday and Hawktoberfest on Saturday. If you haven't bought your tickets get them today. If you haven't volunteered contact Erica Heilmann and she will be happy to find you something to do. The Bright Links are being put to good use as is the remodeled playground. The days are getting cooler and we hope it stays that way. I hope you enjoy our new Google sites that will eventually replace our blogs. The students are enjoying music class very much. We should be getting the recorders any day now which will make class even more fun. Choir letters are going home tomorrow from Ms. Mooney so if your child is interested in joining the choir the first rehearsal is Monday, September 19th. Kindergarten parents if you have free time during the day we could use you for lunch/recess duty. Kindergarten lunch is at 11:08 until 11:48 it would be great if you could help out. Please contact Mrs. Fike at jfike@stlinusschool.org if you can help. If you are wondering what is going on here at St. Linus take a tour of our website. The google calendar is chock full of information on upcoming events. Teacher blogs and Google Sites will keep you up-to-date as well. Don't forget to turn in Homecoming raffle money and tickets. The winning ticket will be pulled at the Homecoming Game. We will be pulling our first Booster Raffle winners this Thursday so keep your fingers crossed that you are a lucky winner. Remember to make time for your child to do his/her homework somewhere quiet. Take a few minutes to review it with them and ask them about their day and tell them about your day. This past weekend I enjoyed attending soccer and football games and I hope to see you at more this fall. I look forward to seeing you at Church on Sunday. Have a great week.