Happy Summer
Post date: Jun 30, 2016 3:40:43 PM
Hello all,
I hope you are having a wonderful summer. The weather is outstanding! A few odds and ends to keep you in the know.
Gym Uniform orders are due to the school by June 30th.
Don't forget to turn in your Hawktoberfest T-Shirt orders ASAP
Tuition contracts are due now. Please drop them off or send them in right away.
We are busy installing all of our Bright Links and Boards, getting our Think Pads ready for 6th and 7th grade and sprucing up the joint with fresh paint!
Our office hours are Tuesday-Thursday 9:00-1:30. If you have any questions or concerns and call when we are not here we will call you back the next time we are in the office. Don't forget to sell those Booster Raffle Tickets at your 4th of July parties, Aunt Edna's birthday party or Uncle Joe's retirement shindig! There are 5 chances a month to win and the sooner you sell them the more chances you have. If you did not get your tickets come see us and we will hook you up! Enjoy these glorious days and I look forward to seeing you at church and around the neighborhood!