Much to be thankful for!!!

Post date: Nov 20, 2018 6:14:41 PM

As we enter into Thanksgiving week and a much needed break we can take time to reflect on all that we have to be thankful for.  I am so fortunate to be a part of a wonderful community like St. Linus Parish and School.  Our school families and parishioners are so generous with their time and treasure that all of our fundraisers are successful! This year's Turkey Trot is the most successful Turkey Trot yet and will allow us to continue to provide our students with access to the latest and greatest technology.  We also are able to provide a scholarship in the name of our dear Erica Heilmann to a 7th grader who exhibits her dedication to service to both St. Linus and the broader community.  Erica's example is one that I hope all of our students will follow now and into the future.  I would like to thank everyone who helped out with the Turkey Trot especially our chairs Brad Brandl and Sandra Froylan, but also everyone who went out and got sponsors, handled packet pick up, advertise the event, kept track of the money and every other possible job.  We are so lucky to have you all.  Thanks to everyone who participated especially all of our parishioners who have no children here at St. Linus but support us always through events like this. Our students have so many shining examples to emulate that I am confident that we are able to build a community of compassionate, spiritual and service oriented young men and women.  We have a very busy December ahead so make sure you check the google calendar for all of our events including Christmas concerts, the Christmas Pageant and the sing along.  We have an 11:30 dismissal on December 21st.  All students will be dismissed and there will be NO extended day.  Have a blessed Thanksgiving and get lots of rest because December will be non stop fun and excitement.