Fall Fun at St. Linus

Post date: Sep 27, 2019 7:36:8 PM

I have had a wonderful time sitting in on classes these last couple of weeks.  So many great things are happening.  Applesauce in Kindergarten, Science experiments in 5th grade and Sparkle in 3rd grade just to name a few.  The students are engaged and actively participating in lessons.  4th grade showed me how well they are doing at both Mathletics and Accelerated Reader.  Our 6th graders told me how much they are enjoying writing and vocabulary and how well Ms. Halbauer is preparing them for high school.  Preschool is always fun but especially during September when they learn about Johnny Appleseed.  Every time I see the Brightlinks being used I am reminded how wonderful our parishioners and parents are to us by attending all of our fundraisers.  We have been very blessed all these years to have raised this money and be able to make St. Linus a place where 21st Century Learning is alive and well. We have a busy October coming up starting with Homecoming Week that begins Monday.  Please check the website, newsletter, teachers blogs and the paper that came home to know what each day of Spirit Week is.  We have our Homecoming Bonfire, Dance, Parades and Games next weekend and look forward to seeing you all there.  Girls Basketball Pack the House is Sunday, October 6th.  Watch for more information soon.  The month of September we celebrated "Respect" as a school community.  We saw wonderful things happening in the building.  Students going out of their way to say good morning, to pick up trash, to treat each other and themselves with respect each and every day.  October will be the month of Perseverance!  Don't forget to ask your children how we are celebrating perseverance as a community.  I hope everyone is looking forward to the St. Linus Turkey Trot and has signed up to help.  Have a great weekend!