Counseling and Career Programs

As a high school student, take advantage of these career awareness experiences that will help you imagine and explore your future.

    • Career Assessments Learning about yourself is one of the first steps in developing career awareness. Assessments help reveal personal traits relating to your personality, interests, skills, and values that align to different career paths. It can lead to self-discovery because you will see sides of yourself that you didn't know you had. All sophomores complete a career assessment to encourage self-discovery and self-reflection as they begin to imagine their futures.

    • Guest Speaker Forums Forums are held each year on a variety of career topics relating to health care, business, engineering, and more. Our guests are Somers High School alumni, parents, and other working professionals. Open to all students.

    • Career "Treks" – As we know, reading a book about careers is not as helpful as seeing them first-hand. Trips are offered each year to hospitals, a variety of business sites, and area colleges. Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors.

    • Job Shadowing * – Learn firsthand about a career field and expand your view of the world through job shadowing. A job shadow is an optional activity, a one-time look at a career. Release time is granted to attend a job shadow for a morning or afternoon during school. You will have an opportunity to interview your host, observe, and tour the work environment, and gain a better understanding of how the skills you are learning in school apply to the workplace. Discover more about a career of your choice—architecture, engineering, teaching, physical therapy and television production—to name a few. Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

  • Internships – Are you looking for even more career exposure? Internships provide an opportunity to learn about a field through day-to-day activities, conversations with staff, and observing and helping with special projects. Highly motivated juniors and seniors may apply to the internship program which provides 25 hours of work-site exposure. Students complete a portfolio to showcase their internship and receive ¼ credit upon successful conclusion of the program. An internship mentor must agree to host a student in order for the internship to take place. ***Discontinued at the present time***.

  • NEW! Career Exploration Mini-Course (1/4 credit) This course is offered to junior and senior students on a semester basis. This 8-week course with self-paced modules can be completed remotely or in school using a Google Platform. The course is designed to help students determine their career options, goals and post-secondary plans in a thoughtful, reflective and systematic way. Upon successful completion students will receive a Career Exploration “Certificate of Completion."

  • Volunteer Referral Information – Having trouble finding a job? Summer volunteer opportunities can help make a difference in the local community, provide valuable career exposure and help build your resume. To peruse a list of volunteer organizations that hire youth, click on the "Summer Volunteer Opportunities" link on this website.

  • NEW! Girls in STEM Club - This is a brand new club formed in 2021 with monthly meetings to promote the pursuit of science, technology, engineering and math among young women at Somers High School. Go girls!

  • After-School Career Exposure Programs. There are a variety of opportunities available offered through the Society of Women Engineers, The CT Science Center, Junior Achievement, the ACE Mentoring Program (Architecture, Construction, Engineering) the Explorer Program and more. See Ms. Meg Duffy, Career Specialist, for more information.

*While we cannot guarantee a job shadow or other work-placed career opportunity, every effort will be made given the availability of community resources and placement options.

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